Wednesday, December 30, 2020

If there is a reason we are not better off today than we were four years ago think of what has been happening in New Jersey as well as the nation. In 2016 we heard from a league of disappointed Democrats crying that Trump colluded with foreign powers and cheated to win the election. During the major portion of his term in office the desperate Democrats lied and connived to impeach a legitimate office holder. During the recent negotiations they proposed billions of our dollars to foreign nations and now politicians of both parties are crying about a deficit too large to stomach. Many of these politicians had the chance to spend less outside of our nation and a chance to relieve burdens on us the citizens. Politicians have once again proved themselves to be accomplished liars. Every time they waste tax dollars they create programmed slogans and plan titles that accomplish little but increase cost to the tax payers. Remember N. Pelosi’s typical statement about ‘Obama Care’. “We must pass it to find out what is in it.” Who as a NJ resident has heard of the ‘Property Tax Freeze’? Freeze My Butt! Qualified while on Social Security but my property taxes continue the trend toward the clouds. Politicians often speak of balanced budgets and wise spending before they gain their votes. Our State, Our Nation, is being driven toward FREE STUFF. In the post-World War II we protected the nation against dictatorship via the 22d Amendment. We have the liar in chief as speaker of the house. How many terms has it served?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Election to what?

The last four years America witnessed political unrest while two attempts were made to impeach the president. The President was accused of colluding with Russians, and later attempting to inveigle a quid pro quo deal with the Ukraine. Both attempts which were tantamount to a coup failed. Government officials or employees behind these attempts have left in disgrace with less the prosecution. During the 2020 election a record amount of votes were cast totaling over 159 million. There are over seventy million voters whom wonder if the suspect of coup attempts will be prosecuted. Now that the Political Party behind the attempts is ascending to the control of the American Administration will the investigation be dropped? Will the newly elected President who openly bribed the Ukrainian government to stop investigation of his son become a forgotten incident? What, or how, will the 70 million who were insulted with late blocs of pro-votes for the guilty party of coup-de tats express their feelings? How will the Fourth Estate convince the 70 million that the world witnessed an honest and fair election? The Party returned is asked: Will there be a re-instituted Iranian deal? Will we rejoin the Climate accord? When Fracking is curtailed, what will we pay for a gallon of fuel? Who will receive the largess of building efficiency make over? Will China be re-most favored nation status? Where will we send troops? Will we invite free and uncontrolled immigration? What will the Labor unions think when cheap labor returns? What will we do with the Afghan accords? How many peaceful demonstrations will be condoned? THE LIST GOES ON…….

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


When Alexander Hamilton wrote the opening paragraph of the Federalist Papers he expressed concern that the Constitution Might not preserve the Union. Today we know there are minds that want destruction or drastic change of the Constitution.  Recent allegiances of; Press / Media, Presidential Candidate Biden, liberal Congressional Members, (Senators and Representatives) many expressing and supporting protests as non-violent ‘rights’. The rights to protests were, and are, guaranteed in the opening of our “Bill of Rights”, via the Frist Amendment. We see rioting, expressions counter to the intent of the Constitution. The rioters are expressing dissolution of the Government, the Union. Is the destruction of our Union being enabled by the Bill of Rights? The Ninth and Tenth Amendments are suspect. Especially the 10th wherein; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Along our way we have had a Supreme Court that has reinforced interpretations of the meanings of the Federal vs States scopes. The Constitution’s Tenth Amendment has been used to set States as interpreters of resistance to the Federal scope. States and Municipalities, under current elected leaders are allowing “non-stopping” of property destructions and infringement upon the ownership’s right to protections and the State’s resistance to Federal assistance. Protections which were originally financed under taxation of the owners and their property. The State and Municipal lack of actions, wherein they resist to stoppings of rioting and property destruction, or request to Federal aid for the stopping of rioting, is insulting as well as dereliction of duties of elected office, such as the elected were sworn to uphold. We have a Congress subject to a political party which refuses to address the rioting.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Lies by Opinions

Opinions abound, accusing President Trump of attempting control of public access to COVID-19 data. The basis of these claims are the recent directive for statistics to be sent to the Dept. of Health and Human Services rather than the Centers for Disease Control. Critics have jumped to reading the mind of President Donald J. Trump. This is a leap of intelligence that ignores recent concerns the statistics identifying terminally ill deaths as COVID-19 statistics. Add that problem to the Florida concern on the accuracy of testing.
Whatever the President’s concern is should be cited with facts rather than the typical voter comments that Trump is a Liar, and A Racist. In the court of public opinion it would be informative toward conviction if these accusers would cite specifics. Because our President was not a seasoned politician he made an encompassing remark regarding the riots in Charlottesville, Va. Opinions are like noses that most all have but, it is lying to express opinions by leaps beyond knowledge. We have sat through three plus years of non-truths or opinions without details or evidentiary facts against the President of the United States.
 Our nation will need the help of our Supreme Being if Joseph the non-accomplish-er is voted into office.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Vote Fraud!

Voter fraud exists. We do not know how large it is. It has existed for years. Some violations were a gift bottle of booze, a favor a few bucks, or just false representation. We saw the Middle East citizens proudly showing their dyed fingers. 

The best methods to prevent fraud are:

Documented time photos of the voting machine registers showing how many votes cast at one minute before opening (It should be zero).

Then at the closing of the poll a documented photo showing how many votes were cast (it should be no more than the district’s register of voters)