Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Evaluate all Senate and Congressional Candidates Closely

Our Tea Party and the Country need a conservative Senate and House Of Represntatives. 
Suport Horton for Congress!
Back Joe Kyrillos for Senate!

Look at Pennsyvania's Bob Casey. Why does his campaign take a cheap shot at the Tea Party?
In Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey is running a campaign add that criticizes Tom Smith because he started a Tea Party. This is borrowing on Nancy Pelosi, and other characters who have claimed the Tea Party is Racist and some kind of radical group. Would Senator Casey be happy if Candidate Tom Smith was part of the littering Occupy Wall Street group of polluters? If anyone is bent on contributing please recognize here is a campaign that might benefit of our principles of; Lower Taxes, Smaller Government, Protection of the Constitution, Growing Economy.
This is not a direct support of the Candidate Tom Smith, but is a recommendation to look closely at him and his campaign with an eye to evaluate and support him if you find him principled in favor of our beliefs. Show your pride in the TEA PARTY! Contact your Pennsylvania neighbors and urge them to consider carefully. Bob Casey’s campaign is lying about the Tea Party by innuendo.

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