Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One Man One Vote:

The Constitution was written with to provide a government that represented the wishes of the citizenry of the states, and respected the right of each state within a framework of particular delegated powers. The Electoral College is to avoid votes by one area of the republic from imposing its will on the differing or lesser portions of the populace regardless of that areas life or concerns. The scheme was to avoid dominance of the likes of eighteenth century Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York State.
The Federal Government has become oversized mega-central government with its hand in most manners of life. Our presidential election is determined by the population centers or states without regard to the localized votes within that state, or lesser areas of the nation. Resurrect the intent of the Electoral College. Large populated areas are controlling the national legislations. The Congressmen, in the House of Representatives, are elected officials from each of the districts to represent the local populace and their way of life. It is interesting that the founders wanted congressmen elected to represent districts which provided more thorough representation. Set the Electoral College based upon the congressional districts with restricted gerrymander influence. In this manner a President will be chosen by the weight of the Congressional Districts or counties; closer to; ‘one man one vote’. 
Population centers overrule the local opinions in the state. The best examples of past problems are the Cook County of Illinois, as well as Philadelphia, wherein plurality overrode their respective states in the 1960 election. (Philadelphia’s plurality for John F Kennedy overrode the Pennsylvania vote by one hundred thousand votes.) Today the Northeast states are examples of national vote control in which the local opinions are overridden. Maine apportions their electoral college votes.
Gerald Keer

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