Thursday, December 20, 2012

The battle is engaged

The following is a response to a letter posted regarding gun ownership and the NRA. It is worthwhile reading.

Dear Ms. Marcus,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to you today, as Americans I feel we all lost more than 20 innocent children and 7 brave educators who risked their own lives to save the children. It is for that reason I am trying to understand the logic constantly expulsed by those in your camp. The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871, one of the first court battles  was to challenge a southern towns law prohibiting ‘black’ people from owning guns in their own home for protection from the ‘Klan’!  From there the NRA has grown 4 million strong of individual American gun owning citizens interested in preserving the 2nd Amendment and the Rights bestowed upon us with that  like it or not, gun safety, marksmanship and the promotion of people having the God given right to protect themselves whether it be in  or outside their home.
Organizations formed by George Zoros and Mayor Blumberg are already super PACs fighting against what we feel is a unique American right, found nowhere else on this planet except Switzerland where everyone owns a machine gun, (assault weapon). How many times do we hear about this type of monsterous act befalling their citizens? The NRA has tried working for sensible gun laws to prohibit criminals and those with mental problems from obtaining a gun. Why do liberal judge feel they can circumvent the law and reduce a jail sentence from 10 to 3 years in a gun related crime? Why is the ACLU constantly allowed to protect the rights of the criminal element shielding them from tough jail sentences  or those deemed mentally ill and still allowed to populate the general public where they are harmful to us as well as themselves. Let’s enforce existing gun laws, follow the sentencing guidelines voted on by State legislators and work to prevent  the mentally ill from doing something like what was done last Friday?
Let’s wait until the investigation is fully completed before forming vigilantes against your fellow Americans!

Jack Yerkes  

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