Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't feed the animals! A lesson.

The year was 1970 and I visited the Pittsburgh zoo with my wife and son. The Zoo had an excellent brown bear enclosure of about ten bears of various sizes in an open pit surrounded by a stone wall and a moat at the base. The zoo had bags of marsh mallows for sale. The natural order in the bear pit meant the number on bear had front row and center. People would throw marshmallows, but the majority were caught by the front row center bear with a sweep of its paw, just like a first baseman's snag of a throw as the other non-players watched and looked on in envy. I decided, in my liberal mind, that this was unfair.
I began throwing marshmallows to the assumed number two and three positioned bears. Number one became annoyed with my third or fourth toss. The big bruin came down off his select spot and dispersed number two and number three. The flying fur spread throughout the compound of the numerous bears. People became alarmed and quickly left the scene in fear. Fear, was little concern because there was no way the behemoths were leaving the pit.
The lesson today is don’t feed the animals! Are we spreading fear and unrest today through our welfare systems? Are we spreading a disturbance in the natural order of our nation by bringing in emigrants without a formal procedure that thousands, or millions, of legal immigrations were processed and endured in the decades past?
By no means should illegal immigrants be considered animals. But the provisions of welfare to illegals and the provision of housing, health care, etc. is not fair to the people that came before them, learned the language, and passed the citizen test.

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