Thursday, May 5, 2016

Former Lt. Governer Betsy McCaughey on Trump's Economic Plan Versus Hillary's

The rap on Donald Trump is he’s all bluster. The New York Times says he’s offering “incoherent mishmash.” Former GOP rival Ted Cruz claimed Trump has “no idea” how to fix the economy.

Don’t believe it.

The Trump campaign is putting forward proposals to fix problems from the long waits for medical care at Veterans Affairs facilities to the impending collapse of ObamaCare.

Check out Trump’s economic plan, for starters. Unlike Hillary Clinton’s anti-business agenda, Trump’s plan would actually help unemployed Americans get back to work.

Trump slashes the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, down from the current 40 percent, the highest rate in the industrialized world. Not all American companies pay that staggering rate, but even after deductions and accounting maneuvers, companies in the United States end up clobbered by taxes nearly twice the global average (24 percent).

Economist Larry Kudlow predicts that if Trump’s corporate tax plan becomes law, 
you’ll see “a tremendous movement of capital and labor back to the United States.”

In Ireland, a magnet for tax-weary companies, the rate is only 12.5 percent and their economy is growing about three times as fast as ours. Conversely, Japan and Argentina are stuck in the doldrums along with America, partly because of their high rates.

Trump also proposes a one-time 10 percent repatriation tax on profits US companies made overseas and kept there to avoid the 40 percent rate. That bargain could lure back as much as $2.5 trillion in capital urgently needed here.

To promote investing in plants and equipment, Trump would allow companies to write off the purchases the year they’re made, rather than over several years, as current law requires.

Read the rest at the New York Post

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