Thursday, May 30, 2019

We waited and waited for the Prosecution or Clearance. Was our president legally elected? Was our President guilty of Collusion? Weeks and weeks, Months and months, While Media declared suspicions and accusations. Finally Mr. Mueller has spoken. Did he give a clear and concise verdict? As last spoken The Grand Pooh-bah gave the final decision to Congress and it is their choice to pursue impeachment without a charge from the thirty million $$ investigation. 
At this point, “What difference does it make?”
News for the next cycle will be the exposure of the document dump. Papers, TV, Radio, will be choking with discoveries and analyses of the Coup De Tat. The questions to be answered will deal with what legislation and reformations of government will be proposed. When will the restrictions fall on political parties and restriction of political speech be tossed to restrict what has been our time honored First Amendment? 
The speech that is necessary is the outcry of voters. May divine providence protect us from twisted judgement that calls for pulling the wrong lever when the curtain is closed? The next voting cycles will begin at the state levels and are the chance for a top to bottom revolution.

An example of why we are here in the State of NJ is that  in the 2017 election the voter turn out was lass than 40 % of the registered voters. That is correct; 4 of every 10 registered voters went or mailed in their vote. People wonder how we got another tax crazy Governor.

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