Thursday, July 11, 2019


How many times have you heard, or are you one the makes this claim?
I have never heard him say something negative about people of a particular race. Yes when a murder took place during the riots at Charlottesville, Virginia Trump out of necessity was in the position to make a statement.      His attempt to avoid taking sides he claimed there were good people on both sides.     How terrible to not know what the press wanted.

Presidents of the past have all made faux pas.

When one gets down to determining racism we should be curious about anyone who claims another is a racist. In my opinion the person that finds racism underlying at every turn of the corner is more than likely a RACIST.

Why should the person start a sentence with a claim that another is a racist? My opinion is that racist people are looking for racial offenses everywhere, as well as committing the same. As young boy, experiences with race were many without forethought nor intent. The realization of  the blatant racial hate was walking to Phillies baseball game. Young boys were selling score card -line-up papers on the street. One of the associates made the hateful comment that I should have bought the paper from a white boy. My mind went through a somersault and from that day onward I tended to avoid and reject blatant situations. In the working world experiences, over time, have been lesser but they still exist. The problem I find most insidious in today's world is the use of finger  pointing. We all are guilty of prejudice whether minor or experienced. Recently a woman came to me, in a parking lot, with tears streaming, about an incident that she experienced and had no money to feed her children. She openly acknowledged the difference in our races and pray that I would believe her. When i handed her a substantial bill , she began crying harder.
I told her my sorrow for her situation and asked her to vote, "our country needs it".   

At a recent Congressional Oversight hearing congressman Rep. Jesus Garcia, an Illinois Democrat displayed his racist vies by accusing Homan if he didn't care about migrant children 'because the children don't look like children that are around you.'  In my opinion The Congressman is a RACIST NO CLASS.

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