Thursday, August 12, 2021

At what COST

As a tax payer, former educator, parent and grandparent, former BOE member in TWP - I see the need for another step of action - defund NEA. >We pay taxes that pay teachers 'salaries that in turn pay dues to the unions.
>Teachers have the ability to pay only the 80% of the total cost out of their salaries and take a stand to push back against the CRT promoted by NEA - which our BOE will tell you CRT is not in our district - Be aware of the euphemisms used - diversity inclusion equity - the pedagogy contains many other terms. On June 30, members of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, voted to approve a plan to promote critical race theory in all 50 states. Union delegates representing 3 million public school employees approved funding for three separate items related to “increasing the implementation” of “critical race theory” in K-12 curricula; promoting critical race theory in 14,000 local school districts; and attacking opponents of critical race theory, including parent organizations and conservative research centers. Liberal pundits and activists including our TWP BOE have insisted that critical race theory is not taught in K-12 schools. This was always a bad-faith claim; the ideology has made inroads in public schools for more than a decade. But the NEA’s official endorsement puts the final nail in the coffin of this rhetorical dodge. In the resolution-- pointed out by Christopher F. Rufo >1. the union agreed publicly to “convey its support” for critical race theory, 2. oppose restrictions in state legislatures, 3. use schools to promote political activism. 4. The delegates pledged to “join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project” to hold a “national day of action” on George Floyd’s birthday, 5.recruiting teachers to hold political demonstrations and “teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. 6. develop a study to critique “empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, [and] anthropocentrism”—that is, adapting the most fashionable and intellectually bankrupt ideas from the universities for use in grade school classrooms. 7. passed a resolution to: “research the organizations” that oppose critical race theory—including grassroots parent organizations—and provide resources to groups and individuals targeting them. The nationalteachers’ union will use union dues, collected from public employees paid by taxpayers, to attack parents who oppose the racial indoctrination of their children. The teachers’ union has nationalized critical race theory and committed to the full range of left-wing radicalism, including opposition to “capitalism” and “anthropocentrism.” Who should decide what happens in public schools—parents, voters, and state legislatures, or the national teachers’ union and its allies in the public school bureaucracy? Are you as a parent, grandparent taxpayer - ready to cede authority to left-wing ideologues masquerading as educators? Jack Scheidell

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