Saturday, February 12, 2022

Presidential cognizance, Why did we elect Brandon

The criticisms of Presidential apparent lapses in front of the political opposition are innocent situations. When the voters ran to him, they obviously knew he would face less attention-grabbing peccadillos. Interruptions which leave any senior citizen less to dwell on demands. Our president has a staff of assistants who tend to many of the things we elder’s experience. His bed is or was made for him, and he can be certain the covers are as he likes. Any daily regimen of prescription medications is attended to him. During sleep his typical senior need responds to the nighttime potty trip. The night-light to avoid stumble in the darkness is there for him to safely pass. As the day progresses many of the typical concerns are non-existent. Clothing is made available. He never needs to look for his wrist watch, someone knows where it was left. Does he know where his wallet is or where he last placed it. Or where are the keys? Have due bills been addressed and checks written. If his uniform of the day is inappropriate someone will redirect him and someone will be certain his pants closure is made. If his smart phone needs charging a spare will be available. I’m sure no Spam calls disturb him. With recognition of all the assistance provided why do we worry over his cognizance? He has much less to worry about, and as is obvious, someone will tell him what to do or say. Should he lapse there is that tele-prompter. We white haired or balding gentlemen should envy him and wonder why we did not run for President. Do you know what day it is? I know that I would be annoyed if someone pushed for my cognition test.

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