Tuesday, September 27, 2022



But it is only numbers on paper. That is what the spouse said as spending was beyond the best guess plans. “But the accounts are over drawn”. “So, I’ll shift the numbers”.

That was before the divorce. After the settlement someone was left with the bill.

Is there a budget for immigrants in uncontrolled numbers? Who says they are uncontrolled; we present each before a judge and they are given a date to re-appear.

Our energy policy is driving the costs of hydrocarbon-based fuels beyond reason and the cost of commuting to work is too expensive. “Well, the work from home”. But I am a maintenance specialist.

“My loan is due and the accounts are over drawn.” “The college loan is overdue.” Well get some federal relief, I’ll Check into mortgage assistance.”

The new neighbors just emigrated here, and they are planning to vote. Don’t worry the have a state I D card.

Look it will take months, just default.

Do you think the U S will ever default? ?

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