Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cost of Surviving

Page C12 of the Sunday September 28, South Jersey Times has a unique tabulation reflecting how costs have affected middle class families. The indications beg the question; are we headed back to the misery index of 1980? For those who were not around or old enough to remember the index reflected the state of our economy. Those who do remember inflation was rampant. Items that had a unit price of $2.00, sold for $2.10 weeks later. Ten cents might not seem like much but over the course of a year the price increases are cumulative to the point of exasperation.

Currently we are hearing that inflation is not a current problem. All of the claims are made while the average wage is stagnant or decreasing. If inflation is not a problem, why has chicken breast price per pound gone from $1.99 to $2.49? The cost increase is twenty-five percent increase. The Health Care, which “you can keep”, has increased eighty five percent since 2000 to 2012. This was the period of RINO and Liberals. Child care has increased by thirty seven percent over the twelve years. All of the increases in cost have happened while the family net worth has fallen 17 percent during the 2010 to 2013 period.

When you examine the numbers since the last misery index of President Jimmy Carter the result shows that liberal policies have skewered the economy’s performance. Keep this in mind when you go to vote for the next election. Our cheap American Dollar Value attempts to make U.S. goods cheaper on the world market, while at home our costs soar. However liberal policies, such as health care, have reduced the number of workers, along with their income, as inflation is truly creeping in. Voters must remember the truth in November 2014.

See the full Associated Press article, on-line.

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