Wednesday, November 20, 2019


The founders of our Constitution wanted small and non-interfering government that controlled the military. Do we realize how large our government has become? Can we demonstrate, understand, or what the necessity, or purposes, of the numerous government branches and agencies are? There are fifteen department consisting of 91 agencies, bureaus, services, offices, administrations, and all staffed with numerous Assistants, deputies, local administrators, etc.   
 As an example the United States Department of Health has the CDC, Center for Disease Control. This is the agency that maintains the statistic of birth rates is the U S. Are Births a disease?
The CDC also provides tracking of: disabilities, retirement, employment, personnel documentation, including employee surveys. The list is exhaustive. The next line might be we need to allow more immigration. Or we could say we need to retire less. We could just throw up our hands and turn the country from whatever our current economy is to ‘what the hell’ socialism like the politicians are campaigning for us to have.
Our current government is extremely large when numbers of employees are counted. Do we the people of our overtaxed population realize there is an agency denoted as OPM? The agency is Office of Personnel Management. They manage, count, administer, write rules, and count employees for the following functions an exhaustive list of jobs, employment problems, hiring, early payout, violations……. 
In the recent farce wasting dollars on impeachment the Department of State which has; offices in most countries throughout the world are staffed by ambassadors, assistants, military attaches, as well as agents for all sorts of functions.
All of the above, well most, have one objective to run our country as they see themselves; the deep swamp.

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