Thursday, July 29, 2021

Big numbers are being discussed with regard to proposed infrastructure spending. Will Congress publish the details? Should we be purchasing electric-powered transportation because it’s good for the effort to reduce global warming? The current fuel tax rates for highway trust funds are said to be insufficient for related infrastructure needs. If we need more electric vehicles — whose owners are not subject to this tax — is Congress capable of grasping the problems of the diminishing fuel-tax revenue and the potential requirement for more electricity generation? The escalating price of road fuels, part of which is caused by President Joe Biden’s refusal to increase domestic drilling and supply, is a two-edged sword that also results in lower fuel tax revenue. This is why need to return to an energy-independence policy. The problem is how to build sufficient electric generation capacity and still reduce sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Windmills and nuclear power are just about the only the non-CO2 sources that can operate 24 hours a day. But, wind turbines can be can be unreliable, and they kill a lot of migrating birds. Nuclear plants operate over 90% of the time in a given year. There is a problem of nuclear waste disposal, but it may not be as large as disposing electric car battery waste might become. Its time to de-escalate gasoline and diesel fuel prices, while raising more tax for the highways. One solution is to tax electric vehicles, based on miles driven. Gerald Keer, Turnersville

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