Sunday, July 11, 2021


TRUE BACK THEN AND AGIAN - NOW The Main Stream Media's Political Agenda Thursday, December 27, 2012 To the Editor: Each December we see a rerun of the news events of the past year. This year we went through primaries and the general election with innuendoes and half-truths. Television screens were filled with would-be presidential candidates. During Republican primary debates, much was done by the media to “undress” the candidates. A selection was made. Then, an old media question-and-answer sequence was pulled out in which Mitt Romney, the selected candidate, fumbled an explanation of why 47 percent would not vote for him, so it would matter little what he said or did. The media screamed about the rich man. Now print and electronic news media have publicized President Barack Obama as the “Person of the Year” as anointed by Time magazine. Four years ago, a select few opposing voices exposed this untested, clichéd candidate who talked of hope and change, for various questionable acts. But little was televised or printed with a clarion voice. Now, the disgrace of the deadly Benghazi consulate attack is being played down by relative silence of the media. A similar situation has occurred with the “Fast & Furious” weapons trading program. It seems there is a collegium among Democrat power brokers and the news media. Recently, someone asked Republican Gov. Chris Christie if his weight would be problem for a 2016 presidential candidacy. His answer should have been: “Why are you trying to undress a would-be-candidate?” Our press watches the emperor’s parade, as in the Hans Christian Anderson fable, while it witnesses Benghazi like it is another parade by a naked emperor. Our country remains in the need of a young boy who will cry out that “The emperor has no clothes.” Gerald Keer

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