Dear Editor,
Is Barrack Obama or anyone capable of controlling the Federal Government? Consider the fifteen departments with eighty-nine bureaus or services. The list of employees and functions is astronomical. The Department of the Treasury has the infamous Internal Revenue Service. Recent focus has been on the IRs e-mails. If the information lost was not being routed through the massive government system the question is why not? Why are the computers involved not backed by some major system?
If the lost the E-mails are without back up in the Service’s system, were they personal communications not necessarily meant as official correspondence? Of course if they were intentionally personal then why were they on government computers? If this is where the communications took place another question is: Were the communications meant to be beyond scrutiny of the government? More clearly, were the people communicating with the purpose of doing so secretly because they were advocating something conspiratorial?
With the size of the government the possibilities for crimes against the citizens are manifold. It is time to reduce government. The Internal Revenue Service could be reduced by one of the tax systems such as; Fair Tax, National Sales Tax, or a simplified tax code. How many negotiated income tax settlements have been agreed by the IRS, at what costs? Reductions of government agencies would reduce tax dollars and unnecessary citizen scrutiny. Did the VA size, involvement, and bonuses cause unnecessary problems? Barrack Obama’s voters should lead the charge for smaller government where possible.
Gerald Keer