The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says.
“This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.
The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a state.gov e-mail address like previous secretaries.
“That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later,” Krongard said in an exclusive interview. “How else was she supposed to do business without e-mail?”
Modal TriggerPhoto: AP He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5¹/₂-year vacancy was unprecedented.
“This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,” he said. “It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.”
Inspectors general serve an essential and unique role in the federal government by independently investigating agency waste, fraud and abuse. Their oversight also covers violations of communications security procedures.
“It’s clear she did not want to be subject to internal investigations,” Krongard said. An e-mail audit would have easily uncovered the secret information flowing from classified government networks to the private unprotected system she set up in her New York home.
He says “the key” to the FBI’s investigation of Emailgate is determining how highly sensitive state secrets in the classified network, known as SIPRNet, ended up in Clinton’s personal e-mails.
“The starting point of the investigation is the material going through SIPRNet. She couldn’t function without the information coming over SIPRNet,” Krongard said. “How did she get it on her home server? It can’t just jump from one system to the other. Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?” As The Post first reported, the FBI is investigating whether Clinton’s deputies copied top-secret information from the department’s classified network to its unclassified network where it was sent to Hillary’s unsecured, unencrypted e-mail account.
‘It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later’ - Howard J. Krongard on the State Dept. never giving Hillary an agency e-mail address
FBI agents are focusing on three of Clinton’s top department aides. Most of the 1,340 Clinton e-mails deemed classified by intelligence agency reviewers were sent to her by her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, or her deputy chiefs, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, who now hold high positions in Clinton’s presidential campaign.
“They are facing significant scrutiny now,” Krongard said, and are under “enormous pressure to cooperate” with investigators.
He says staffers who had access to secret material more than likely summarized it for Clinton in the e-mails they sent to her; but he doesn’t rule out the use of thumb drives to transfer classified information from one system to the other, which would be a serious security breach. Some of the classified computers at Foggy Bottom have ports for memory sticks.
Either way, there would be an audit trail for investigators to follow. The SIPRNet system maintains the identity of all users and their log-on and log-off times, among other activities.
“This totally eliminates the false premise that she got nothing marked classified,” Krongard said. “She’s hiding behind this defense. But they [e-mails] had to be classified, because otherwise [the information in them] wouldn’t be on the SIPRNet.”
Added Krongard: “She’s trying to distance herself from the conversion from SIPRNet to [the nonsecure] NIPRNet and to her server, but she’s throwing her staffers under the bus.”
Modal TriggerPhoto: EPA Still, “It will never get to an indictment,” Krongard said.
For one, he says, any criminal referral to the Justice Department from the FBI “will have to go through four loyal Democrat women” — Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, who heads the department’s criminal division; Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates; Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Even if they accept the referral, he says, the case quickly and quietly will be plea-bargained down to misdemeanors punishable by fines in a deal similar to the one Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, secured for Gen. David Petraeus. In other words, a big slap on the wrist.
“He knows the drill,” Krongard said of Kendall. Paul Sperry, a visiting media fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author of “Infiltration.”
With real GDP growth last year coming in at 2.4%, President Obama has
now managed to miss every single growth target he’d set for himself
since taking office. If a CEO performed that badly, his reputation would
be in ruins.
When Obama came into office, he would often publicly complain about CEOs being paid too much.
“What gets people upset — and rightfully so — are executives being
rewarded for failure,” he said at press conference in early 2009. Later
he opined that “the compensation packages that we’ve seen over the last
decade at least have not matched up always to performance.”
It’s a complaint Democrats have made repeatedly over the years, as
though they have a better way than the free market to determine the
right compensation package.
But what if we were to hold Obama — the nation’s chief executive — to his own standard?
At the start of each year, the president’s economists forecast
economic growth for that year. The number is included in every
presidential budget. And every single year, GDP growth has come in below what Obama had projected. Every year.
These weren’t just small misses, either. In February 2015, for
example, Obama said the economy would grow that year by 3.1%. On Friday,
the Bureau of Economic Analysis released the actual result: 2.4%. That
works out to a $114.7 billion miss — or almost $1,000 per household.
Looked at another way, if the economy had performed each year the way
Obama said it would, the nation’s GDP would be $642 billion
bigger than it is today.
And keep in mind that CEO Obama set extremely modest goals for
growth — well below the average of all the economic recoveries since
World War II. In fact, had Obama’s economic recovery been merely
average, GDP would be more than $2 trillion bigger than it is today.
And each time the economy underperformed, Obama pointed fingers, blaming everything from a tsunami, a cold winter, the Arab Spring, gas prices and budget cuts to George Bush.
All the while he’s ignored the harm that his own policies have done:
ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, massive EPA regulations, new labor costs, higher
taxes and a failed Keynesian stimulus. Absent those shackles, the
economy would have almost certainly recovered from the deep recession
fast and furiously.
And for this lousy performance, Obama gets a $400,000 salary (more than twice the average for all CEOs), roughly $1.5 million in
annual pension benefits, free room and board, gourmet chefs, generous
expense accounts and paid vacations. IBD’s Andrew Malcolm discovered
that Obama’s vacations alone have cost taxpayers more than $70 million, so far.
Most CEOs could only dream of living so well. Does anyone think Obama’s compensation matches up to his performance?
Only weeks after leaving office on January 20, 2017,
former President Barack Obama discovered a leak under his sink, so he called
Troy the Plumber to come out and fix it.
Troy drove to President Obama's new house, which is located in a very
exclusive, gated community near Chicago,
where all the residents have a net income of way more than $250,000 per year.
Troy arrived and took his tools into the house. He was
led to the guest bathroom that contained the leaky pipe under the sink. Troy assessed the problem
and told Obama that it was an easy repair & that will take less than 10
minutes. Obama asked Troy
how much it will cost. Troy
checked his rate chart and said, "$9,500."
"What?! $9,500?!" Obama asked, stunned,
"But you said it's an easy repair. Michelle will whip me if I pay a
plumber that much!"
Troy said, "Yes, but what I do is charge those who make
more than $250,000 per year a much higher amount so I can fix the plumbing of
poorer people for free. This has always been my philosophy. As a
matter of fact, I lobbied the Democrat Congress, who passed this philosophy
into law. Now all plumbers must do business this way. It's known as
the 'Affordable Plumbing Act of 2014'. I'm surprised you haven't heard of
In spite of that, Obama told Troy
there's no way he's paying that much for a small plumbing repair, so Troy left. Obama
spent the next hour flipping through the phone book calling for another
plumber, but he found that all other plumbing businesses in the area have gone
out of business. Not wanting to pay Troy's
price, Obama does nothing and the leak goes un-repaired for several more
days. A week later the leak is so bad President Obama has had to put a
bucket under the sink.
Michelle is not happy as she had Oprah and guests
arriving the next morning. The bucket filled up quickly and had to be
emptied every hour, and there was a risk the room will flood, so Obama called Troy and pleaded with him
to return.
Troy went back to Obama's house, looked at the leaky pipe,
checked his new rate chart and said, "Let's see, this will now cost you
Obama quickly fired back, "What? A few days
ago you told me it would cost $9,500!"
Troy explained, "Well, because of the 'Affordable
Plumbing Act,' a lot of wealthier people are learning how to maintain and take
care of their own plumbing, so there are fewer payers in the plumbing
exchanges. As a result, the price I have to charge wealthy people like
you keeps rising. Not only that, but for some reason the demand for
plumbing work by those who get it for free has skyrocketed! There's a
long waiting list of those who need repairs, but the amount we get doesn't
cover our costs, especially paperwork and record-keeping. This
unfortunately has put a lot of my fellow plumbers out of business, they're not
being replaced, and nobody is going into the plumbing business because they
know they can't make any money at it. I'm hurting too, all thanks to
greedy rich people like you who won't pay their 'fair share'. On the
other hand, why didn't you buy plumbing insurance last December? If you
had bought plumbing insurance available under the 'Affordable Plumbing Act,'
all this would have been covered by your policy."
"You mean I wouldn't have to pay anything to have
you fix my plumbing problem?" asks Obama.
"Well, not exactly," replied Troy. "You would
have had to buy the insurance before the deadline, which has passed now.
And, because you're rich, you would have had to pay $34,000 in premiums, which
would have given you a 'silver' plan, and then, since this would have been your
first repair, you would have to pay up to the $21,000 deductible, and anything
over that would have a $7,500 co-pay, and then there's the mandatory
maintenance program, which is covered up to 17.5%, so there are some costs
involved. Nothing is for free."
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Obama. "Why so
much for a puny sink leak?!"
With a bland look, Troy replied, "Well, paperwork, mostly,
like I said. And the internal cost of the program itself. You don't
think a program of this complexity and scope can run itself, do you?
Besides, there are millions of folks with lower incomes than you, even many in
the 'middle class', who qualify for subsidies that people like you must
support. That's why they call it the 'Affordable Plumbing Act'!
Only people who don't make much money can afford it. If you want
affordable plumbing, you'll have to give away most of what you have accumulated
and cut your and Michelle's income by about 90%. Then you can qualify to
GET your 'Fair Share' instead of GIVING it."
"But who would pass a crazy act like the
'Affordable Plumbing Act'?!" exclaimed the exasperated Obama.
After a sigh, Troy
replied, "Congress ... because they didn't read it."
There have been multiple Media items, pronouncements and statement regarding the Candidates. We need your voice toward your choice for endorsement. Bring tour ideas and fact as to why a particular candidate is the better choice as President of our Country. Please read up and join the discussions. MEETING JANUARY 27, 2016 at the Mullica Hill Library, 7:00 PM
Last week, Glenn Beck “retweeted” a
post allegedly tweeted by Trump the day after the 2012 election, saying:
“I always vote for the winners! Congratulations to My Friend,
If that doesn’t sound like Trump, it’s because Trump never said it.
Beck’s retweet sure made it look real, but you can check Trump’s Twitter
All the stories about Trump being a fraud keep turning out to be the
real frauds. I assume that, like most sentient beings, he’s changed his
mind about some things. But the one consistent thread running through
his entire life is his love for this country and his fellow Americans.
The attacks on Trump from the “conservative” media, calling him a
socialist, a Democrat, a flip-flopper, a fake conservative, are just
name-calling. I notice that the accusers never include examples, not
true ones, anyway. Here are some examples of how Trump has always been
for Americans first. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a president who likes
us more than he likes foreigners – and the rich donors who employ them?
In 1986, Trump saw a TV broadcast with Annabell Hill, whose
67-year-old husband had committed suicide 20 minutes before their family
farm was to be auctioned off in a foreclosure sale, hoping the life
insurance money would be enough to save the farm. It wasn’t.
Trump immediately called Annabell, promising to save her farm and
pledging $20,000 toward the effort. “Last night when he called, my heart
went pitter patter,” Annabell told ABC’s “World News Tonight.” “I never
talked with a man with that much money before. And he assured me that
one day the land would be mine. I thought, after I hung up, ‘This can’t
be true, this just can’t be true.'”
As Trump explained to The Atlanta Constitution at the time, “I’ve
seen what’s happened to farmers, but I was particularly interested in a
lovely woman I saw, Annabell Hill.”
Within a month of Trump’s launching a national campaign with two
other businessmen to save Annabell’s farm, they had raised more than
$100,000. One of the businessmen, Frank A. Argenbright Jr., said, “That
is thanks totally to Mr. Trump and his organization. Most of the money
has come from the New York area.”
By Christmas that year, Annabell and her entire family flew to New
York to burn the mortgage in the lobby of Trump Towers and have
Christmas dinner with the Trump family. The lovely Annabell said, “Well,
we have a real celebration not only to celebrate the birth of Jesus but
also to celebrate the goodness in men’s hearts.”
Thirty years ago, Trump wasn’t thinking about running for president.
And yet, this is how he explained his campaign to save Annabell’s farm,
as quoted by the Associated Press: “We give a lot of money to foreign
countries that don’t give a damn about us, but we don’t help the
American farmers.”
Two years later, Trump was interviewed by Larry King at the 1988
Republican National Convention. Please look up this interview – it’s
Two things will be of particular interest. First, watch how Trump
keeps circling back to praise Dan Quayle.
King doesn’t even ask him
about Quayle – a figure of media ridicule at the time because of his
Midwest conservatism. It’s Trump who keeps doggedly bringing up Quayle,
in order to say, he’s a “very impressive guy” who did “a great job – I
don’t mean a good job, I mean a great job.”
Second, Trump expressly rejects King’s characterization of him as an
“Eastern Republican,” or a “Rockefeller Republican,” saying the people
he does best with are “the taxi drivers and the workers.”
Trump’s business is real estate, and real estate can’t be outsourced.
His flag is planted in this country. If
America goes down, his empire
goes down.
Conservative pundits keep assuring clueless viewers that Trump is not
a “real Republican.” They seem not to grasp that most viewers are
saying, That’s fantastic! Thanks for reminding me. Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/01/liberal-conservative-media-unite-against-trump/#GBTdxEzt7SyWG2Yu.99
Conservative opinions
call for less spending and lower taxes. Those opinions are criticized by Democrats
and Liberals. Currently little attention is paid to our national debt. Even our
New Jersey local, and state governments look to raise taxes. The critics of Conservatives
want to raise taxes to finance all government spending and more programs. Conservatives
rightly object to government waste. Conservatives object to the National
Debt which has been growing for decades. A debt growth reason includes Interest
on the debt. Taxes paid to the government fall short because of the high
numbers of people vacant from the work force. Small business is impacted by the
drain of taxes and restrictive government. The government monies borrowed from
Social security help to balloon the debt. Over the decades we have had; Johnson's
war on poverty, the TARP and like programs that take investment from the
private sector.
To reduce the debt our federal budget must be reduced. It
currently exceed the Gross Domestic Product. Washington can begin by eliminating
or reducing unnecessary programs. There are fourteen Cabinets directly
controlling 81 Agencies, Administrations, etc. Also not included are 88
Government agencies; The National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of
Government Ethics (truly an oxymoron), US Trade and Development Agency. The IRS
is one of the number of Treasury Department Bureaus. Recently we witnessed the
IRS’s exercise of political powers against groups in opposition to the Obama
Adminiistraation. Look at the list of government functions, and tell which
cannot be eliminated without harm to the citizens of the United States.
The following is NOT an endorsement of TRUMP, but can be humorous, even if only a slight percentage is true or correct.
Wait Until Trump Makes Them Pay for the Fence ! ! ! !
Mexico is angry..
And make certain you read, at the bottom of this page, the part that
says it will take 30 more seconds to read! Please forward to all you
know and ask them to forward to all they know.
shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora,
Mexico do not like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny. The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico .
state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson
to complain about Arizona 's new employer crackdown on illegals from
Mexico . It seems that many Mexican illegals are returning to their
hometowns and the officials in the Sonora state government are ticked
off. A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora was in Tucson
on Tuesday to state that Arizona's
new 'Employer Sanctions Law' will have a devastating effect on the
Mexican state. At a news conference, the legislators said that Sonora
(Arizona's southern
neighbor) made up of mostly of small towns - cannot handle the demand
for housing, jobs and schools that it will face as Mexican workers
return to their hometowns from the USA without jobs or money.
Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who
knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the
United States . Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their
business license. The Mexican legislators are angry because their own
citizens are returning to their hometowns, placing a burden on THEIR
state government instead of ours.
can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia
Amparano-Gamez, who represents Nogales . 'There is not one person
living in Sonora who does not have a friend or relative working in
Arizona ,' she said, speaking in Spanish. 'Mexico is not prepared for
this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more and more Mexicans
working in Arizona and who were sending money to their families return
to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said 'We are one family,
socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and
The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico ,
and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico 's
citizens. It's time for
the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically
off the United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.
Too bad that other states within the USA don't pass a law just like that passed by Arizona . Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing!
*New Immigration Laws*
Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message...
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any
who are a burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted
and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged.
All assets will be taken from you.
Too strict.? The above laws are the current immigration laws of MEXICO ! If it's good for Americans to obey Mexican laws, then it's good vice versa.!!!
will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass
it on. An idea whose time has come: Somehow, that doesn't seem logical.
We do not have an elite that is above the law. The self-serving must
stop. This is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come.
Have each person contact a minimum of twenty people on their address
list, in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
three days, most people in The United States of America will have read
the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
You are one of my 20. If you don't have twenty, pass it on to whatever number you can!
"The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
A recent letter to the editor blamed Republicans for the current budget deficit or national debt. This is quite a stretch, The blame the Republicans have is going along to get along.
The debt has been growing for fifty plus years. Some of the reasons include:
Interest on the debt.
Failure to recognize Social Security Cost.
The reduced number of workers paying into SS.
Johnson's war on poverty.
Failure to pay for our war debts.
Recent 2008 TARP and other programs.
How much funding is pumped into the Education system for unrealistic needs.
Welfare spending.
This a partial list. The year,2017, we need a congress lead by a President that stops unnecessary spending. The Democrat authored ACA (Obama Care) is a current drain. The federal budget must be reduced for any unnecessary programs such as the abortion factories. Women's care can be protected without encouragement to abort.
The IRS is a government wing that cost too much to operate. But that is not the only bureaucracy that need to be preened. Look at the number of government Cabinet Level Departments: fourteen with 81 Agencies, Administrations, etc. Also not included are about 88 Government agencies. Starting with the African Development Foundation, AMTRAK,......National Endowment for the Humanities, (truly inhuman to tax payers), OfficeMax of Government Ethics (truly an oxymoron),US Trade and Development Agency.
Please tell us which cannot be eliminated without harm to the citizens of the United States.
What is the Pledge the Congressional constituents give when sworn in?
Note they could not print that it is false. Note how they printed something about Hillary. Take SNOPES with a grain of salt.
Claim: A former Secret Service agent gives his unvarnished opinion of the Clinton, Gore, and Bush families.
Example:[Collected on the Internet, 2005]
Secret Service Comments
We had a neighbor when I lived in DC who was part of the secret service
presidential detail for many years. His stories of Kennedy and Johnson
were the same as those I heard from the guys who flew the presidents'
plane —
[yes, Kennedy did have Marilyn Monroe flown in for secret "dates," and
LBJ was a typical Texas "good ol boy" womanizer. Nixon, Bush 41, and
Carter never cheated on their wives. Clinton cheated, but couldn't match
Kennedy or LBJ in style or variety.]
The information below is accurate. Former Pres. Bush Sr. and the current
president Bush make it a point to thank and take care of the aircrews
who fly them around [When the president flies, there are several planes
that also go — one carries the armored limo, another the security
detail, plus usually a
press aircraft] and both Bush's made it a point to stay home on
holidays, so these Air Force and security people could have a day with
their families.
Hillary Clinton was arrogant and vocally abusive to her security detail.
She forbade her daughter, Chelsea, from exchanging pleasantries with
them. Sometimes Chelsea, miffed at her mother's obvious conceit and
mean spiritedness ignored her demands and exchanged pleasantries
regardless, but never in her mother's presence. Chelsea really was a
nice, kindhearted, and lovely young lady. The consensus opinion was that
Chelsea loved her Mom but did not like her.
Hillary Clinton was continuously rude and abrasive to those who were
charged to protect her life. Her security detail dutifully did their
job, as professionals should, but they all "loathed" her and wanted to
be on a different detail. She was hard to work for because she was so
nasty and mean toward her detail. Hillary Clinton was uniformly despised
by the Secret Service as a whole.
Former President Bill Clinton was much more amiable than his wife
Hillary. Often the Secret Service would cringe at the verbal attack
antics that Hillary would use against her husband, the then President.
They were embarrassed for his sake by the manner and frequency in which
she verbally insulted him, sometimes in the presence of the Secret
Service, and sometimes behind closed doors. Even behind closed doors
Hillary Clinton would scream and yell so loudly that everyone could hear
what she was saying.
Many felt sorry for President Clinton and most people wondered why he
tolerated it instead of just divorcing his "attack dog" wife. It was
crystal clear that the Clintons neither liked nor respected each other
and it was through long before the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Theirs was
genuinely a "marriage of convenience."
Chelsea was much closer to her father than her mother, even after the
Lewinsky scandal which hurt her gravely. Bill Clinton did in fact have
"charisma," and occasionally would smile at or shake hands with his
security detail. Still, he always displayed an obvious air of
superiority towards them. His security detail uniformly believed him to
be disingenuous, false, and that he did nothing without a motive that in
some way would enhance his image and political career. They did respect
him, unlike his wife, but they did not particularly like him and nobody
trusted him. He was polite, but not kind.
Al Gore was the male version of Hillary Clinton. They were more friendly
toward each other than either of them were towards former President
Clinton. They were not intimate, so please don't read that in . They
were very close in a political way. Tipper Gore was generally nice and
pleasant. She initially liked Hillary but soon after the election she
had her "pegged" and no longer liked her or associated with her except
for events that were politically obligatory.
Al Gore was far more left wing and very hateful, not just politically
opposed, to Republicans than Clinton. Al Gore resented Bill Clinton and
thought he was too "centrist." He despised all Republicans. His hatred
was bitter and this was long before he announced for the Presidency.
This bitter hatred was something that he and Hillary had very much in
common. They often said as much, even in the presence of their security
detail. Neither of them trusted Bill Clinton and, the Secret Service
opined, neither of them even liked Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton did have
some good qualities where Al Gore and Hillary had none in the view of
their security details.
Al Gore, like Hillary, was very rude and arrogant toward his security
detail. He was extremely unappreciative and would not hesitate to scold
them in the presence of their peers for minor details over which they
had no control. Al Gore also looked down on them in disgust as they
finally observed and learned with certainty on one occasion when Al Gore
got angry at his offspring and loudly, in their presence, pointed at
his security detail and said, "Do you want to grow up and be like
Word of this insulting and demeaning verbiage by the former
Vice-president quickly spread and he became as despised and disliked by
the Secret Service as Hillary. Most of them prayed that Al Gore would
not be elected President and they really did have private small
celebrations in a few of their homes after President Bush won. This was
not necessarily to celebrate President Bush's election, but to celebrate
Al Gore's defeat. He was much dis-liked. Al Gore was not a
good and kind person. That he could have been our President may suggest
that God was "answering prayers" and looking out for the country with
Al Gore's defeat.
Everyone in the Secret Service wants to be on First Lady Laura Bush's
detail. Without exception, they uniformly concede that she is perhaps
the most nice kind, and genuinely good person they have ever had the
privilege of serving. Where Hillary patently refused to allow her
picture to be taken with her security detail, Laura Bush doesn't even
have to be asked, she offers.
She doesn't just shake their hand and say, "Thank you." Very often, she
will give members of her detail a kindhearted hug to express her
appreciation. There is nothing false about her. This is her genuine
nature. Laura Bush really is this kind of a person and her security
detail considers her to be a "breath of fresh air." They actually love
her as a human being. They joke that comparing Laura Bush with Hillary
Clinton is like comparing "Mother Teresa" with the "Wicked Witch of the
Likewise, the Secret Service considers President Bush to be a gem of a
man to work for. He always treats them with genuine respect and he
always trusts and listens to their expert advice. They really like the
Crawford, Texas detail. Every time the president goes to Crawford he has
a Bar-B-Que for his security detail and he helps in
serving them their meals. He eats with them, sits with them, and talks
with them. He always asks about their family, the names of which he
always remembers, and he of course, knows each of them by their first
name, and calls them by their first name as a show of affection.
They believe that he actually loves his security detail and that he is
deeply and genuinely appreciative of their service. They could not like,
love, or respect anyone more ore than President Bush, and most of them
did not know they would feel this way until they had an opportunity to
work for him and learn that his manner was genuine and consistent. It
has never changed in the time that he has been President. He always
treats them with the utmost respect, kindness, and compassion.
Please pass this on. It is important for everyday Americans to have a true inside understanding of their President.
By Dick Morris
Former political adviser to President Bill Clinton.
you happen to see the Bill Clinton 5-minute TV ad
for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial
by saying he wants to share some things we may not
know about Hillary's background, beware. As I was
there for most of their presidency and know them
better than just about anyone, I offer a few
Bill says: "In law school, Hillary worked on legal services for the poor." The facts are: Hillary's main
extra-curricular activity in law school was helping the
Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and
killing a federal agent. She went to court every day as part
of a law student monitoring committee trying to
spot civil rights violations and develop grounds
for appeal.
Bill says:
"Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a
children's rights project for poor kids." The facts are: Hillary interned with Bob
Truehaft, the head of the California Communist
Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers
and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take
an internship with him.
Bill says:
"Hillary could have written her own job ticket,
but she turned down all the lucrative job offers." The facts are:
She flunked the DC bar exam; yes, flunked. It is a
matter of record, and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had
no job offers in Arkansas - none - and only got hired by the
University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville
because Bill was already teaching there. She did
not join the prestigious Rose Law Firm until Bill
became Arkansas Attorney General and was made a
partner only after he was elected Arkansas
Bill says:
"President Carter appointed Hillary to the Legal
Services Board of Directors and she became its
chairman." The facts are: The appointment was in
exchange for Bill's support for Carter in his 1980
primary against Ted Kennedy. Hillary then became
chairman in a coup in which she won a majority away
from Carter's choice to be chairman.
Bill says: "She served on the board of the Arkansas Children's Hospital." The facts are: Yes, she did. But her main
board activity, not mentioned by Bill, was to sit on
the Walmart board of directors for a substantial fee. She
was silent about their labor and health care
Bill says:
"Hillary didn't succeed at getting health care for
all Americans in 1994, but she kept working at it
and helped to create the Children's Health
Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides five million
children with health insurance." The facts are: Hillary had nothing to do
with creating CHIP. It was included in the budget deal
between Clinton and Republican Majority Leader Senator Trent
Lott. I know; I helped negotiate the deal. The money came
half from the budget deal and half from the
Attorney Generals' tobacco settlement. Hillary had
nothing to do with either source of funds.
Bill says: "Hillary was the face of America all over the world." The facts are: Her visits were part of a
program to get her out of town so that Bill would not appear
weak by feeding stories that Hillary was running the White
House. Her visits abroad were entirely touristic and
symbolic and there was no substantive diplomacy on
any of them.
Bill says: "Hillary
was an excellent Senator who kept fighting for
children's and women's issues." The facts are: Other than totally
meaningless legislation like changing the names on
courthouses and post offices, she has passed only four
substantive pieces of legislation. One set up a national
park in Puerto Rico . A second provided respite care for
family members helping their relatives through
Alzheimer's or other conditions. And two were
routine bills to aid 911 victims and responders
which were sponsored by the entire NY delegation.
Presently she is trying to have the US memorialize
the Woodstock fiasco of 40 years ago.
is what bothers me more than anything else about
Hillary Clinton: She has done everything possible
to weaken the President and our country (that's you
and me!) when it comes to the war on terror.
She wants to close GITMO and move the combatants
to the USA where they would have access to our
legal system.
She wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected
Al Qaeda phone calls to/from the USA .
She wants to grant constitutional rights to enemy
combatants captured on the battlefield.
She wants to eliminate the monitoring of money
transfers between suspected Al Qaeda cells and
supporters in the USA .
She wants to eliminate the type of interrogation
tactics used by the military & CIA where
coercion might be used when questioning known
terrorists even though such tactics might save
American lives.
cannot think of a single bill Hillary has
introduced or a single comment she has made that
would tend to strengthen our country in the War on
Terror. But, one can think of a lot of comments she
has made that weaken our country and make it a
more dangerous situation for all of us. Bottom
line: She goes hand in hand with the ACLU on far too many
issues where common sense is abandoned.
this with every democrat you know. Ask them to
prove Dick Morris wrong. Think about it --- Dick
Morris has said all of this openly, thus if he were
not truthful he'd be liable for defamation of
character! And you better believe Hillary would sue
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10202804003885630 Then read the left hand Editorial in the January 1, 2016 in the South Jersey Times, page 4; as copied from The Star Ledger. Why do we need New Jersey to be lead by Ostriches?