accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked! My proudest
accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the
opposition it faced early on, you know. the remnants of prior situations and
mind-sets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have
overlooked the bigger picture, and we didn't do that, and I'm proud of that.
Very proud. I would say that's A major accomplishment."
number of abortions in the United States this year is approximately 264,000.
This is a three months statistic. The total since the Supreme Court Decision of
Toe vs Wade is approximately 58,500,000. That is not a problem to some because
abortion is legal. The Supreme Court said so.
were by Planned Parenthood activity. That is ok because our government helps
with the financing of Planned Parenthood.
statistics are growing at a high rate just like our national Debt Clock. The
above approximate numbers will be higher when you read this message.
Pay no
attention to these numbers because last week people wrote opinions stating that
my question of a war on infants was improper or ill informed. People that support
Planned Parenthood are not waging a war on infants because the writers have
said so and they stressed that abortion is legal.
President Obama's open-door immigration policy is set to accept
more immigrants from Muslim nations over the next five years than the
entire population of Washington, D.C., according to federal documents.
Figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that the
president has already issued 680,000 green cards to immigrants from
Muslim nations over the past five years. Unless Congress changes his
policy, that number will be repeated in the next five years.
- The Washington Examiner
Meanwhile, here is the handiwork of ISIS "migrants" at the Brussels Airport.
With co-ordinated attacks across Europe, we have to wonder, why is the president so keen on importing more potential fifth-columinsts into this country? January 2017 cannot come soon enough.
Rush Limbaugh 3/21/16: There is some news in these upcoming primaries. "Poll: Cruz
Within Striking Distance of Trump in Arizona -- A poll of Arizona
Republicans conducted last week but released today shows Donald Trump
leading Ted Cruz 31% to 19%, with John Kasich and Marco Rubio tied at
10%. The most encouraging news for Cruz is that the poll finds 30% of
Republicans remain undecided. Late deciding voters have broken against
Trump in almost every state that has voted so far."
Now, 31 to 19, that's a 12-point split. Factor the margin of error in
there three to four percent so you're looking at seven- or eight-point
spread here. "If enough of these voters and Rubio supporters back Cruz,
he could pull off an upset and capture all of Arizona's 58 delegates."
There are 58 delegates at stake here. That'd be a big hall. Now,"Trump
is favored to win Tuesday's primary not only because of his polling
advantage, but also because he has the backing of former governor Jan
Brewer." The former governor is popular. Of course, immigration's a
huge issue in Arizona, and Trump is personally identified with that
issue. But it says here (it's a Weekly Standard story) that "Trump may
have hurt himself among these voters by announcing that he was
'softening' his position on immigration in a recent debate and showing
himself to be ignorant about the details of his own immigration plan in
an earlier debate."
Now, you have to read that, or listen, take it with a grain of salt
because that's from the Weekly Standard which is William Kristol's
magazine. And the New York Times had a big, huge story yesterday: "Republican Leaders Map Strategy to Derail Donald Trump."
One of the Republican leaders heavily involved is William Kristol of
the Weekly Standard. In addition to that, we have Reince Priebus,
chairman of the Republican National Committee who said, "I cannot 100%
guarantee that one of the three remaining candidates will be the
nominee." He was asked about a contested convention.
"Well, probably not. You know, people like to talk."
And then he was hit with the bolt out of the sky. "Well, can you
guarantee the nominee is gonna be one of the three? Trump, Cruz,
"Well..." He started hedging his bets. "Well, I don't know. I don't think I would 100% guarantee that, no."
And if you read this New York Times piece on Sunday, you'd understand why. "Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s
candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential
nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5
primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate
lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the
general election."
The story goes on from there.
Where was the GOP's 100-day plan to take out Obama? Anybody remember
that plan? Where's the GOP's 100 day-plan to take out Hillary Clinton?
Anybody heard of that plan? Now, that plan doesn't exist, either, but
they've got a 100-day plan to take out Trump.
Now, folks, I'm not particularly eager to be repetitive here because
there's so much new every day, but I want to go back, I've spent a
couple days here trying to make the case with analogies and everything
at my disposal to try to illustrate and inform just precisely how the
Republican establishment is not going to sit by and let somebody take
away from them what they have.
It's not just their power. I mean, that's a large element of it.
But it's their entire reason for existing.
Positions of standing in one
of the only two major political parties in the country, there's so much
tied to it. Five of the seven wealthiest counties surround Washington,
DC. The networking there, the contacts, the power structure, the
ladder of success that you climb there, it's well laid out. It's
perfectly structured.
It is a very exclusionary club, and it is not merit based. Entry
into the club is not something you can just apply for and become a
member. It requires breeding. It requires certain pedigrees and resumes
and education and so forth. It has provided a lot of power, a
tremendous amount of wealth, huge self-esteem. These are people that
walk around feeling really big about themselves. There's a lot of
People walk around, they feel very happy with themselves, very
powerful, very smug, very confident, because the future is laid out, the
structure is what it is. And members are taken care of. Everybody's
got everybody's back. And the idea that something like this could be
busted up with an election?
Sorry. Not gonna tolerate it. Not gonna
even give that a chance. They're going to resist whatever effort is
made to wrest power from them, to assume their positions or what have
you, which is how they see Trump.
So, despite all the talk that you hear -- and I think it's smoke
screen talk -- from this establishment member or that particular
Republican or that consultant or that lobbyist or whatever, despite talk
of unity and coming together, believe me, behind the scenes there is
none of that. Behind the scenes all there is is scheming that is
designed to protect what they've got. That's more important than the
party winning elections. Do not doubt me. So
when I saw this New York Times story headlined: "Republican Leaders
Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump," I believe every word of it. I
think there's probably even more to it than what the story includes.
But here are some highlights.
"Recognizing that Mr. Trump has seized a formidable advantage in the
race, they say that an effort to block him would rely on an array of
desperation measures, the political equivalent of guerrilla fighting.
There is no longer room for error or delay, the anti-Trump forces say,
and without a flawlessly executed plan of attack, he could well become
unstoppable," and that is unacceptable.
"But should that effort falter," should they fail to stop Trump, and
his army of supporters, should that falter, "leading conservatives are
prepared to field an independent candidate in the general election, to
defend Republican principles and offer traditional conservatives an
alternative to Mr. Trump’s hard-edged populism. They described their
plans in interviews after Mr. Trump’s victories last Tuesday in Florida
and three other states."
Now, if your reaction is, "Well, wait a minute, that guarantees
Hillary." Exactly. And they know it, and they're fine with it.
Hillary Clinton winning maintains the existing order. The existing
order is not based on winning elections. If it were, half the people in
this club would have been thrown out by now. Half the people in this
club are the reason Republicans don't win elections, and they're still
there, and they're still members in good standing of this power
structure, whatever name you want to give it.
By throwing a third-party candidate out there where principled
conservatives can once again vote to guarantee the continuation of
socialist Marxism in the United States, that's considered a wise move.
Because it preserves what's important to the establishment.
"The names of a few well-known conservatives have been offered up in
recent days as potential third-party standard-bearers, and William
Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, has circulated a memo to a small
number of conservative allies detailing the process by which an
independent candidate could get on general-election ballots across the
"Among the recruits under discussion are Tom Coburn, a former
Oklahoma senator who has told associates that he would be open to
running, and Rick Perry, the former Texas governor who was suggested as a
possible third-party candidate at a meeting of conservative activists
on Thursday."
So you got that conservative group that met on Thursday that could
not come to a consensus, apparently. This is an entirely different
group. We got the establishment and the conservative groups.
Kristol was not a member of the conservative group. He's part of the
establishment. He runs the Weekly Standard. And I'm sure he thinks,
"Who's gonna read this, who's gonna want to read this if we're not in
power or if we're not in charge of the opposition, if we're not
perceived to be in charge of the opposition?"
Coburn, who left the Senate early last year to receive treatment for
cancer, said in an interview that Mr. Trump 'needs to be stopped' and
that he expected to back an independent candidate against him. He said
he had little appetite for a campaign of his own, but did not flatly
rule one out. 'I’m going to support that person,'" whoever this group
comes up with to stop Trump. "'and I don’t expect that person to be me.'
Trump opponents convened a series of war councils last week to pinpoint
his biggest vulnerabilities and consider whether to endorse," Cruz or
You know what gives this up, what exposes this as not being about the
party, why are these people not unifying around Ted Cruz? You got a
guy who is second in delegates. You have a guy who is in the Senate.
Look, it's a rhetorical question. I know the answer to the question.
It makes the point.
They don't want any of these three. They really
don't want Trump and they really don't want Cruz.
They're in a panic,
they've gotta come up with somebody.
Why, if they were serious about
winning and unity, why not, if you don't like Trump, you want to take
Trump out, why not unify behind Cruz.
And the fact that they don't want to do that should be all you need
to know about what really is going on here. It isn't about winning the
presidency, folks. It's another in a long line of reasons of why Trump
exists and why Trump has supporters. You go back to these protests
which are not protests, these criminal actions, I will guarantee you
that Trump supporters, they are made up of a lot of people, folks.
There's another thing happening, by the way. The Trump supporter is
being presented as a poor, dumb, uneducated, white working class person
who lost his manufacturing job ten years ago and wants to blame somebody
for his failures. That's who they want you to believe Trump supporters
are. It may be the most disadvantaged group in this country to be a
member of today, the white working class. It seems like everybody's
dumping on that group of people. The white working class, in their
view, in their minds, they're the ones that have gone off to fought the
wars. They're the ones who have voted the existing Republican power
structure into office year after year after year. They are the ones
that pay their taxes. They are the ones who do the work that very few
other people in the country want to do, including joining the military.
And now everybody's dumping on 'em.
to joining Trump, you know what they did? They were Tea Partiers.
And, by the way, the Tea
Party and Trump supporters are not monolithic.
They're not all poor white -- look, let me just call a spade a spade.
What they want you to believe is the average Trump voter is an
uneducated hick, white trash, upset over his own or her own personal
failures looking to blame somebody else and
Trump has come along and
given them comfort.
That's not who they are. Sure some people in that group might fit
that description. The vast majority of them are Tea Partiers. The vast
majority of them are really middle class, some in the upper middle
class, who are fit to be tied. You look at these protests that --
criminal actions that are called protests. I don't know how to
emphasize this. Since the 1960s, there has been a building anger and
resentment at all of these protesters and everything they've gotten away
with and everything they have destroyed.
People have sat in their homes and watched this stuff, and they have
cursed it. They have opposed it. They have wondered why nobody does
anything to stop it. They have wondered why malcontents like this get
away with destructive, criminal behavior. They know it's not protest.
They know it's not... These are rent-a-mobs. These are bought and paid
for. These are anarchists. These are... They're a miserable bunch, a
miserable lot of collected leftists who are never happy and are never
gonna be happy.
They're bought and paid for, and for years nobody has done a thing
about them. They have been permitted to become what is seen as an
active political force for the Democrat Party. The Republican Party
doesn't stand up to 'em. It tries to coddle them. The Republican Party
doesn't do what... Trump comes along and simply isn't taking it, and
it's another reason why people are supportive of Trump. I mean, there's
a lot tied up in all of this in terms of reasons to explain Trump's
support so forth.
But the great misunderstanding exists inside the Beltway, a great
misunderstanding of just who and what the majority American body politic
is, who they are, what they think, what their dreams are. That's
foreign territory to people inside the Beltway. And they are resented
to boot. The Republican Party had a chance to embrace... I never could
understand why they wouldn't embrace the anti-Obama coalition,
Obamacare. There was a built-in majority waiting for the Republican
Party to join and become a majority.
And then the Tea Party came along, and they wanted no part of the Tea
Party. The Tea Party presented an opportunity to once again become the
majority party, and they wouldn't unite with the Tea Party. What do
they expect to happen when they reject their own voters, when they
reject people that want to support them over and over again, when they
mock them and laugh at them and make fun of them?
What do they think's
gonna happen when somebody like Trump comes along?
Trump has been attracting a lot of controversy over his remarks, some
accurate, some greatly distorted, and no one in recent history has been
called a racist more than Trump in the last six months.
But when African-American Pastor Darrell Scott, from Ohio, addressed
the audience at a Trump event there, he lit up the crowd and had
everyone on their feet. According to The Gateway Pundit:
On Saturday, March 12, 2016, Pastor Darrell Scott of New
Spirit Revival Center Ministries in Ohio spoke to the Trump crowd before
Donald Trump arrived from his earlier rally in Dayton.
Pastor Scott introduced Donald Trump at the rally in Cleveland, Ohio and BROUGHT DOWN THE HOUSE!
Only God could take a black guy from inner city streets
of Cleveland and connect him with a white billionaire from upstate New
York to try to do what we can do to make the country great again!
If you've been reading Drudge or RealClearPloitics lately, you may have noticed the dozens of editorials by Republicans, not attacking Clinton, but almost pleading that we can "still beat Trump". Yet At RealClearPolitics today, the word Trump is mentioned explicitly 63 times. The word Clinton is mentioned 39 times, and the word "the" is mentioned 40. Even Carly Fiorina (my own original choice was for a Fiorina/Carson ticket) is now saying we can still beat Trump. Luckilly, for those looking for a dark horse candidate to stop this madness, there is still another brilliant politician willing to step in the ring. (parody, mild printed obscenity)
Last September, Secretary of State John Kerry announced during a press conference in Berlin, Germany, the Obama administration’s plans to increase the annual number of refugees accepted by the United States from what was then the current level of 85,000 to a new annual base of “100,000, and if it’s possible to do more, we’ll do [more].” He also specifically said the United States would take “at least” 10,000 Syrian refugees.
As we reported last October ("Is Obama’s Refugee 'Surge' Coming to Your Town?"), President Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard, who heads the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), had already revealed nearly a year earlier the plan to “surge” Syrian refugees into the United States. At a conference in Geneva, Switzerland, with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres on December 9, 2014, Assistant Secretary Richard stated: “The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries. And we plan to lead in resettling Syrians as well. We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR referrals from Syria. We are receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”
In the meantime, the press, even RINO outlets like the National Review,
say that even questioning this is racist, and an incitement to violence.
The Presidential Candidate Campaigns
are the hot items on the News.
Saturday,March 19, the 2016 South Jersey Times provided a
different headline about an infant strangled by the mother. Yes that was
deserving of a head line. What seems to be the lacking news is the statistical
side of the infant homicide rates. One tenth of all infant homicides are committed
by the mother. Without pointing a finger at the argument for, or, against financing
women’s services a question that seems to request publication is; when is the
proper time to prosecute the killing of a child?
Some Republicans have pressed for
the reduction, or complete non-funding, of Planned Parenthood. Republicans have
been accused of a “War on Women”.
Per the NJEA website: “The
125-member political action committee of the 200,000 member New Jersey
Education Association (NJEA) today voted to endorse 57 candidates for election
to the New Jersey Legislature this November.” Would it be wrong to say Teachers
have a war on INFANTS?