Friday, July 21, 2017

How is true news produced?

There is a popular association that play to retired citizens. As I read a May 2017 Bulletin in a waiting room it become notable they were highlighting the cost of prescription drugs, and why the cost is high. I can applaud the effort but noted how they made a point of the drug company profits. The report listed the performance of Drug company profits in comparison to S & P corporations. The listing  contained four major drug companies with their profits listed by percentages. Further down the list the S&P corporation percentages were listed.
To test what I was being told I calculated the top percentage drug company's percent ptofit as compared the the eighth corporation's percent profit listing.
The  AMGEN  drug company was listed as receiving a 42.6% profit in the year 2016.
VERIZON was listed as earning a 21.5% profit during 2016. 

I GOOGLED two selected corporations at random.

A comparison is that the AMGEN dollar amount was 42 %0f 74 billion or 24 Billion profit.  The Verizon percent profit as listed was 21.3% was against 126 billion, or 26.8 billion.

This comparison is not meant to protect, or point fingers at the profitability of any corporation as compared to another. 

The comparison makes one wonder if the AARP in their May 2017 report was intended to provide facts or throw mud at Drug companies. If you are a member maybe you should compare the sixteen companies on the list.

How factual is the news?


Thursday, July 20, 2017

A reminder, Remember this the next time you read or see the fake News

Recent comments indicated the Republican Party is racist.
Commentators find racism only in the Republicans.
Republicans freed the slaves against Democrat opposition.

Republicans passed the 13, 14. 15 and 19th Amendments to the Constitution. 13th abolished slavery., 14th made former slaves citizens, 15thprovided rights to vote, 19th gave women vpoting. All providing opportunity to minorities.

Republicans elected first African American Senator in 1870.

Republicans passed the Civil rights act disabling the KKK, until it arose again under the Administration of Woodrow Wilson (D).

Republicans passed law banning discrimination in public accommodations.

Calvin Coolidge (R), signed the Indian Citizen Act, written by a NY Republican.

Bertha Landes (R), was the first woman elected as mayor of a large American City, Seattle Washington.

1940, Republican National Convention approved a plank in its platform calling for racial integration of the armed forces. 1948 President Truman finally complied with the Republican demands.

U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Arkansas board of Education, written by a Republican, ending unconstitutional segregation in public schools. President Dwight David Eisenhower (R), forced integration of Little Rock Arkansas, per his Executive Order 10730.

Hiram Fong of Hawaii (R), the First Asian-American U.S. Senator.

1962, Judge Tuttle (R), ordered the University of Mississippi to admit its first African-American student, James Meredith.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by the efforts of Everett Dirksen (R) against filibuster of Democrats Russell and Thurmond.

President Nixon (R), required Federal Contract enforcement of affirmative action programs.

2003 George W. Bush lead U S military and allies against the Taliban. Liberated Afghan Women received voting rights, and education.

Helpless Health care

Do you remember when our president said you can keep your doctor and keep your insurance and have affordable health care? Well some people believed those statements and became happy. As time progress from the statement; “we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.” We progressed to the Secretary of HEALTH EDUCATION AND POCKET BOOK to manage the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare, was signed into law by on March 23, 2010.
It was passed by the 111th congress and signed by OBAMA, Democrats all. Problems started and Republicans swore they would repeal the law that sent rates, premiums and deductibles through the roof. A new sheriff came to town and swore he will repeal and replace the infamous legislation. Little did he know the Democrats and RINOS cared little because he was not one of the good old-boys? Boys that want all the marbles for their team. Favor. When will voters realize that Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen have their game rigged in their favor?
Wake up voters. Politicians get elected to stay elected, for; two, four, six, eight, ten, maybe twelve or eighteen years. Presidents cannot by law serve more than eight years. They have a phenomenal retirement plan. Their health care is included. In the Next Elections vote all new sheriffs.

Now is the time to change the PROPERTY TAX LAW

If you improve your property the following is typical. In other words if you maintain you home such as new siding, new windows, a patio, you will pay more to the township. This is a negative effect to good neighbors. Taxation should be based on the size of the land and the bas square footage of the house or building. Municipalities would not need to hire consultants to examine the home and charge you more money because you improved the bath room or kitchen or attic. 
Why, why do we need to be assessed for maintaining a property?
The state/ county / municipality knows what is the size of your property. You should be taxed on the size of the property. Nothing more, and the reassessment every ten years, which cost tax dollars, would be a computerized task. The Local high taxes would reduce your value because the town's high taxes would reduce the sale prices across the board and the local politicians would be rewarded or penalized at the polls.

The second problem is the school tax. The major drain on property owners.

Q. When I obtain a Building Permit to improve my property (examples: siding, kitchen or bathroom renovation, construction of a family room or bedroom dormer) when and how will my property assessment be increased?
A. After a representative from the assessor's office inspects the property (in its entirety), the property is assessed at the current market value (as of October 1). The added assessment is the amount of the difference between the old assessment and the value of the entire property at the end of the project, not the amenity itself or cost of the job. The property must be valued from scratch. The result is adjusted to the same valuation date as the date of the last town wide revaluation so that everyone has the same base year for assessment. The assessment is calculated as of October 1 and prorated for the months that it was complete. The completion date is determined by the Assessor according to "readiness for intended use" and not by the date of the final inspection. In cases where it was completed during the prior year, an omitted added assessment bill will also be received. All bills are sent out by the Tax Collector by October 25 and due payable, in full, on the following November 1. The dates for added and omitted added assessments, as well as the time frame in which the bills are mailed out and due payable, are mandated by the State of New Jersey.