Let This Sink In...
When Alexander Hamilton wrote the opening paragraph of the Federalist Papers he expressed concern that the Constitution Might not preserve the Union. Today we know there are minds that want destruction or drastic change of the Constitution. Recent allegiances of; Press / Media, Presidential Candidate Biden, liberal Congressional Members, (Senators and Representatives) many expressing and supporting protests as non-violent ‘rights’. The rights to protests were, and are, guaranteed in the opening of our “Bill of Rights”, via the Frist Amendment. We see rioting, expressions counter to the intent of the Constitution. The rioters are expressing dissolution of the Government, the Union. Is the destruction of our Union being enabled by the Bill of Rights? The Ninth and Tenth Amendments are suspect. Especially the 10th wherein; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Along our way we have had a Supreme Court that has reinforced interpretations of the meanings of the Federal vs States scopes. The Constitution’s Tenth Amendment has been used to set States as interpreters of resistance to the Federal scope. States and Municipalities, under current elected leaders are allowing “non-stopping” of property destructions and infringement upon the ownership’s right to protections and the State’s resistance to Federal assistance. Protections which were originally financed under taxation of the owners and their property. The State and Municipal lack of actions, wherein they resist to stoppings of rioting and property destruction, or request to Federal aid for the stopping of rioting, is insulting as well as dereliction of duties of elected office, such as the elected were sworn to uphold. We have a Congress subject to a political party which refuses to address the rioting.