The day Biden shut down
drilling and the energy wise, Excel Pipeline, middle class wage earners watched
as the gas station bingo signs started with the price of the month, then the
weeks, now by the hour.
If we are truly going to reduce our dependence on carbon
dioxide producing fuels then there need be an “Operation Warp Speed” research
We put a man on the moon. Now private enterprise is closing in on
extra-terrestrial travel. Certainly, you will cite the Global Warming crisis.
The repetitive claim is life as we know it will end. In the 1960’s a Sunday
afternoon TV show touted hydrogen technology and how it could be implemented
safely. We had the energy crisis brought on by the Middle East Cartel, during
which propane conversions for automobiles were marketed. After the Middle East
embargo against US, Electric power was to be generated by Fusion.
Recently Biden
asked the middle East Cartel to increase the supply of Crude, while we are
purchasing Russian Crude. Russia in the near future will drain the pockets of
Western Europe by its control of natural gas and crude.
A weak market control,
or a competitive market if we had Energy Independence. Maybe we should mandate
no automobiles, or like WW 2 rationing until 2030 (the day the world will end)?
Why does China lead the world in High-Speed Rail while they build power plants?
Joe! Use some of your predecessor’s words and get our butt out of idle. Now that
the Olympics are over, it will be U S and a few against two giant populations,
Russia and China.