Sunday, November 16, 2014


Here we are facing another calendar year. Each year municipal budgets are prepared. We will hear politicians tell us that we have kept the average tax increase very low. The result could be each year they will repeat the good news.
                 1st year,     2nd year,    3rd year,    4th year,    5th year
 The advertised percentages increase might be one percent per year, we wish.
                     1%               2%               3%               4%                5%
The citizens are told the average increase is a small amount, maybe $20.00. If this happens each year:
           $20, plus $20 =$40, plus $20 =%60, plus $20=$80, plus $20 =$100.
The cumulative effect after each year’s increases are what we have paid as a result of the increases;
                                    $60               $100            $160                      $240
At the end of the first year the increases will have been $20.             
At the end of the second year the increases will have been $40+$20 from the previous year. The march will go on so that after five years the total paid over the five years will be $240. Will your wages increase cumulatively of once each three or four years?

This is a simplified analysis why conservatives criticize liberals. Liberals take a similar approach to all legislation.  They creep over our liberties in the same manner.      

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