Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Opinion of SJT

Dear Editor,
As a conservative voter I must congratulate the South Jersey Times. What you editorialized for over the recent weeks has come to pass. Hopefully the editorial for an increase in the gasoline tax will fall on ears opposed to such a typical Democrat desire. Tax increases are their love. Why not the need to review why New Jersey has the highest cost per mile for road construction. Before increase of taxes review the procedures and specifications.
The South Jersey Times advocated the election of Norcross to replace R. Andrews. You achieved your wish. Now the person advocated must go to Washington and vote his principals of increased spending. Voice his beliefs against an approximate 3 to 2 constituency. Do you think the fairy-god father will bring jobs to South Jersey; the State with onerous tax rates which Mr. Norcross has been a participant?
Times interview of Freeholder candidates allowed Taliaferro comments concerning opponents rather that answering issue questions.
When as a private employer will the South Jersey Times recognize that Obama Care would cost your employees deductibles that are injurious to their pocket book. Yes I am annoyed by the positions you have taken. In Washington Township our recent tax increase of twenty-six dollars average was not recognized as probably another step toward the decades of tax increases that brought Republicans to the Township Council four years ago.
The Township’s current administration ignored money management and refused to repair roads with the funds available. Will the SJT endorse more taxation in the face of the National mood that has spoken that we do not want reckless legislation and spending?
Gerald Keer

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