Friday, June 19, 2020


" The United States has already elected its first minority vice president, Republican Charles Curtis, who had significant Native American ancestry. Curtis was vice president under President Herbert Hoover for four years, much of it consumed by the nation's darkest economic times, the Great Depression. Curtis, Senate majority leader when tapped by Hoover for the Republican ticket, was also the first person with acknowledged little or non-European ancestry to reach the highest ranks of the federal government."
Bertha Landes (R), was the first woman elected as mayor of a large American City, Seattle Washington.

Recent comments indicated the Republican Party is racist. Commentators find racism only in the Republicans.
Republicans freed the slaves against Democrat opposition?

Republicans passed the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments.

Republicans elected first African American Senator in 1870.

Republicans passed the Civil rights act disabling the KKK, until it arose again under the Administration of Woodrow Wilson (D).

Republicans passed the law banning discrimination in public accommodations.

Calvin Coolidge (R), signed the Indian Citizen Act, written by a NY Republican.

" The United States has already elected its first minority vice president, Republican Charles Curtis, who had significant Native American ancestry. Curtis was vice president under President Herbert Hoover for four years, much of it consumed by the nation's darkest economic times, the Great Depression. Curtis, Senate majority leader when tapped by Hoover for the Republican ticket, was also the first person with acknowledged little or non-European ancestry to reach the highest ranks of the federal government."
Bertha Landes (R), was the first woman elected as mayor of a large American City, Seattle Washington.

Bertha Landes (R), was the first woman elected as mayor of a large American City, Seattle Washington.

1940, Republican National Convention approved a plank in its platform calling for racial integration of the armed forces. 1948 President Truman finally complied with the Republicans' demands.

U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Arkansas board of Education, written by a Republican, that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. President Dwight David Eisenhower (R), forced integration of Little Rock Arkansas, per his Executive Order 10730.

Hiram Fong of Hawaii, the First Asian-American U.S. Senator Republican.

1962, Judge Tuttle (R), ordered the University of Mississippi to admit its first African-American student, James Meredith.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by the efforts of Everett Dirksen (R) against filibuster of Democrats Russell and Thurmond.

President Nixon (R), directed and required Federal Contractors to enforce affirmative action programs.

2003 George W. Bush lead U S military and allies against the Taliban liberating Afghan Women voting rights, and education.

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