Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A view of Socialism

A quote from a friend: "I used to attend courses taught by a tax lawyer. He used to say if you want to steal a loaf of bread & not be caught , each night steal a slice ; in the morning , the owner won't notice the missing slice. Eventually, the loaf will be gone. This is how taxes work." Our recent election has placed pro-socialist leaders in the White House and the Senate though they lost a few ien the House of Representative. You are urged to view the following video. Not because it is from a Roman Catholic Priest. Because it represent the facts applicable to Socialism and Socialism's counter views by Christians and Our Constitution. Watch the video it is 16 minutes long. If you choose move ahead to minut '5' and especially minute '10:40'. Urge your pro-socialist aquaintences to view.

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