Saturday, January 16, 2021


It is Trump's fault? He spent four years doing good for the Unnited States. He curtailed illegal immigration and promoted hiring of american citizens to the work force. Remeber the Corporation set to leave the united states and relocate to Mexico. Yes it was carrier and jobs were saved. Remeber the tax cut he campaigned for but the witch Nancy called it crumbs.many people saw there take home dollare increased. People below seventy thaousand in income were nolonger required to go throught the paperwork of filing. The little fat guy in North Korea reduced his threats. Our congress' House, run by a Democrat amjority brought lieing insults against Our President. They claimed him racist, acolluder, brought a ficticious impeachment against him.He immediately took action against the corona virus. When China allowed the spread of a pandemic he bput the balme where it belonged. Yet it was claimed horrible by the News cabal. They eventually blamed him for the apndemic spread while name plate governors took away citizen freedoms and blamed Trump for their short coming. He took swift action to provide early support of the manufacture of personal prevent accessories and made certaion we had sufficient supply of ventilators. Today the emergency vaccine is on the war path. While the latest election campaign was underway the witch of the House delay the lattest relief bill. Remeber the 2017 presidential inauguration when several blocks from the ceremony rioters smashed windows and destroyed properties. Trump was not yet one day in the presidency and they started. Today the news media wopuld have you believe Trum is the reason for the National Gaurd troops in DC>

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