Friday, January 1, 2021

Remember Speaker of the House when Obama Care was in review before the House of Represntatives. N. Pelosi said"- we must pass it to find out what is in it. Remeber when the Trump tax cut was passed N. Pelosi decried it as crumbs. Senator B.Samders decried the Trump tax cut as enricing the top 1%. If Obama care achieved its goal of having our health on the internet why is the government of the states identifying those in need of the Cov-19 Vaccination. MS Pelosi delayed the COv-19 relief prior to the election. If Obama care was successful why are those who have severe health problem not being scheduled for vaccination. Could it be that State governments have no plans or desires to expedit vaccinations tot he needy except to gail political notaryaty. Mr. Sanders faults rich from tax cuts, but does not reallize their money came back from overseas. We as tax payers deserve government organizations that perform efficiently. Politicians are for the greater part worthless and self serving Give Us term limits! How long have/s Pelosi Sander Biden etc. been in Washington?

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