Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You didn’t build that!

You didn’t build them!
The government built them and now you can join me in grading how they did. With our present form of a Socialist Republic our government has been financier-entrepreneur, manager, supervisor, boss, or absent landlord. Our goverment is failing and that is what this election is about.
 Feel free to adopt thoughts along the following lines for your draft of letters to opinion pages in our print media.  
1.The United States Postal Service is on the brink of failure or needing another grand bail out. I’d give them a D.
2. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac; they are bankrupt, and were a major player in the sub-prime mortgage cause of our current financial malaise. Give them end their supervisors an FFFF
3. The Social Security System is no longer funded in a Lock-Box. Give it a - D.
4. Medicare has always been an underfunded liability. Give it a –D.
5. National Parks, including the National Monuments, Forest etc. are in dire shape.  Some are in disrepair and others appear to be the slums. Give them a +D.
6. Department of Environmental Protection continues to operate independent of government or congressional control, wherein they issue regulations and mandate that stifle energy production and drive up costs to the consumers of energy. Give them an F.
7. Internal Revenue Service at the whim of Congress continues to be undecipherable and engages in law suits which result in forgiveness of millions to tax cheats. Give them an outlived usefulness, an F.  
8. OSHA in the main confuses employers and continues to issue fines based upon interpretations rather than clear directions. Their intent is well meant but their acts are capricious, give them a C.

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