Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Delivered to District 4 Senator and Assembly Persons


American Citizens Lobbyist Group

New Jersey

151 N.J. lobbyists

still get public pensions despite reforms

In 2009 Assembly Paul Moriarty drafted legislation to ban newly hired employees of government lobbying organizations from enrolling in taxpayer-funded pension systems. Four years later and nothing has been done to correct this situation.


Taxpayers are subsidizing a private lobbying group — including a six-figure pension for the top employee — even as it sometimes fights proposed laws designed to help bring down the country’s highest property taxes.


When the association’s employees retire, however, the businesses that helped pay their salaries will have none of the pension responsibilities. Those payments will come solely from the state’s public-pension system.


As our State representatives it is your duty to represent us properly and do what is in our best interest. It’s is an insult to the people of New Jersey that you are taking our money and giving it to special interest lobbyist in the form of pension money to those who do not even work for the state.

In response to a media report today that shows lobbyists, who represent associations of counties, cities and school boards, receive public pensions in 20 states, including New Jersey, Sen. Steve Oroho and Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose and Assemblyman Parker Space said it’s time for the Legislature to end this outrageous practice.

‘We the people’ are tired of  party politics. It’s time to drop ‘D’s and ‘R’s and put a ‘C’ after your name. C referring to your ‘constituents’.

This is the bill.
S-1622/A-2438, a bill that removes from the pension system and from the State Health Benefits program employees of such groups — the League of Municipalities, School Boards Association, etc., including Joint Insurance Fund employees and those of nonprofit college fundraising entities — with less than 10 years of service, and any future employees of such groups.

American Citizens Lobbyist Group - NJ
Basil Mantagas, NJ Director, 646-825-0776, bmantagas.aclg@gmail.com
9.09.13, Pensions for lobbyists.

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