It is early, we need to find out more, We don't want to overlook anyone who is brave enough to espouse what we believe in. He has a long way to go and we need an open mind to oust the establishment candidates of Bush, Christie, Romney, etc. We need good new blood!
While many have talked and acted like they will run in 2016 Dennis Michael Lynch seems to be the first official Conservative Candidate. He appeared in a recent internet video.
The impressive video makes it clear where he stands. It will be nice to hear more of his resume and a few more specific of his plans. He played the audience well in the video. Rather than naming immigration as the number one problem it would possibly play better to hear that immigration and economy and world politics are out highest concerns.
Hopefully his criticism of candidates that avoid talking specifics of immigration he will bring out the voices of others when they run in 2015 fore the election in 2016.
His instruction on addressing comments from your liberal friends is to smile. I would prefer to grin vehemently. We are too long in tolerance of stupidity
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
CHINA; its social spending only 7% of GDP. MUCH LESS THAN U S.
U.S. Rejects Welfare State, Yet Has World's Second Biggest
Fri, Nov 28 2014 00:00:00 E A15_ISSUES
Robert J. Samuelson
We're more individualistic and self-reliant, and although we may have a "social safety net" to protect people against unpredictable personal and societal tragedies, we explicitly repudiate a comprehensive welfare state as inherently un-American.
Dream on.
Call it a massive case of national self-deception. Indeed, judged by how much countries devote of their national income to social spending, we have the world's second-largest welfare state — just behind France.
This is not just conjecture. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — a group of wealthy nations — has recently published new figures on government social spending. Covered are unemployment insurance, disability payments, old-age assistance, government-provided health care, family allowances and the like.
By this measure alone, the U.S. is hardly a leader. It ranks 23rd in the world, with social spending of roughly 19% of GDP. This is slightly below the OECD average of 22%. France is the champ at nearly 32%. (The data are generally the latest available.)
But wait. Direct government spending isn't the only way that societies provide social services. They also channel payments through private companies encouraged, regulated and subsidized by government.
This is what the U.S. does, notably with employer-provided health insurance (which is subsidized by government by not counting employer contributions as taxable income) and tax-favored retirement savings accounts.
When these are added to government's direct payments, rankings shift. France remains at the top, but the U.S. vaults into second position with roughly 30% of its GDP spent on social services, including health care.
We have a hybrid welfare state, partly run by the government and partly outsourced to private markets.
The OECD report brims with insights about welfare systems. Did you know, for example, that China has a puny welfare state compared to most wealthy nations? In 2009, its social spending equaled only 7% of GDP.
Or did you realize that, despite all the talk of "austerity," government social spending has hardly been reduced in most countries?
The OECD reports cuts in a few nations (Greece, Germany and Canada among them) but also finds that "in most countries, social spending remains at historically high levels."
The main message that Americans can take from this report is that we need a higher level of candor.
The very complexity of our hybrid system seems intended to disguise the reality that we have a welfare state. We have created a new vocabulary to validate our denial.
From our "safety net," we distribute "entitlements" that are not "handouts" and don't qualify as "welfare" payments.
We pretend (or some of us do) that our Social Security taxes have been "saved" to pay retirees, when today's Social Security checks are mainly financed by the payroll taxes of today's workers, just as yesterday's checks were financed by the taxes of yesterday's workers.
If we were more honest, we might have an easier time debating these difficult and unpopular choices.
Who deserves benefits, how much and why? What are the consequences for taxpayers and the larger society? Does our hybrid mix of public and private power make sense?
These are insistent issues that won't vanish even though we pretend they don't exist.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
When an American president threatens to govern by Executive Order, he has really declared he will govern by arbitrary power: his will instead of the will of the people. We are witnesses to the subversion of popular government when the consent of the governed is an afterthought. Our Founders rejected arbitrary power and sought to prevent its reign on American soil.
Resurrecting the founding political philosophy of America in a day of sound bites, tweets, and instant messaging may be beyond the attention span of our times, but considering the stakes -- the survival of a free people in a self-governing republic, we need to rediscover our heritage of liberty, posthaste.
Thomas Jefferson's words remind us that our destiny as a nation has been entrusted to us, the people:
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.[i]
The upcoming Federalism Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire, this weekend comes none too soon. Federalism is not just a theoretical idea for political philosophers to discuss. Every American needs to understand why our Founders relied upon federalism as the organizing, central design of the Constitution and how they expected it to work to prevent the accumulation of power into the hands of the few.
Not only do we need to understand the original design, we also need to identify what has gone wrong and why federalism has eroded to the point that it is a mere shadow of its former self. It is time we face the fact that we, the people, have allowed our elected servants to slowly destroy the very bulwark of freedom that was intended to prevent the rise of an all-powerful centralized government. It takes little observation to know that the more we allow Leviathan to grow, the more it becomes a threat to our personal liberties, to self-government, and to the American way of life.
This nation, from its humble beginnings, became the greatest economic and military power in the history of the world while at the same time becoming a beacon of hope and freedom to the downtrodden and oppressed -- all in less than 200 years, a feat unmatched throughout history. What has been the secret of America's greatness? What did our Founders know that we should know? What guiding lights did they follow?
In our era, which looks to the past through the eyes of multiculturalism, feminism, racism, historicism, nihilism, radicalism, and all the other "isms," we no longer appreciate our special place in history, nor our unique birthright as American citizens. Rather than disregarding our great heritage, along with its many flaws, or trying to understand it through the distorted lens of postmodernism, we need to simply rediscover those higher principles that allowed America to prosper and gave the world hope that "societies of men are really capable" of "establishing good government from reflection and choice."
We have enjoyed a heritage of freedom because of the vision of our Founders. The time has come to set our feet back on that original path so that the torch of liberty can pass to the next generation. Federalism is, no doubt, one of those original principles that we must embrace and work to reestablish as a fortress against that age-old desire for absolute power.
[i] Thomas Jefferson, Writings, Vol. XV, 278, to William Charles Jarvis, September 28, 1820 in David Barton, Original Intent: The Courts, The Constitution, and Religion, 276.
No one wants advice -- only corroboration."
-- John Steinbeck,
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Political power and its results
Spending and more spending does not only exist in our governments, but exists with the power elite.There are too many; contracts, political appointments, favored businesses, and money contributor hirings.
United States recognized the need to control and reform the methods of governmental
hiring practices to promote fair and honest employment of personnel. To this
end the Pendleton Law, the initial establishment of Civil Service was enacted.The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act (ch. 27, 22 Stat. 403) of United States is a federal law established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit.[1] The act provided selection of government employees by competitive exams,[1] rather than ties to politicians or political affiliation. In
1908 New Jersey became the sixth state to adopt a version of Civil Service
Administration. But with all of the laws passed little has ever been done to correct the over spending on contracts nor on the political handouts.
laws created testing and vetting of candidates for employment by the Federal
and State governments. Fast forwarding to today the laws and the administration
of the practices have undergone many changes with the intent of employing
qualified personnel to government positions. What the laws have not effectively
accomplished is control the appointments of various personnel to municipal
boards, no-show jobs, or hiring practices that favor members of political
parties or affiliates, - cronyism. The methods give a warm feeling to connected
applicants, but the methods around the regulations go on without criticism.
Examples are the creations of study groups or boards filled with political
it came to light that Mr. Jonathan Holmes Gruber, a professor of Economics has been heavily involved in the "ACA"
or "Obamacare". He became the focus of a media and political
firestorm in late 2014 when videos surfaced in which he made controversial
statements about the legislative process, marketing strategies and public
perception surrounding the passage of the ACA. The question is what testing or vetting
did the Professor from MIT receive and what financial arrangements were made.
examples of appointment without the Civil Service process is the South Jersey
Times Article from the Star – Ledger Columnist Tom Moran concerning George
Norcross. The article tells how Norcross controls appointments as well as
candidates and their influence on legislation. These are outside of the civil
services regulations.
When our Declaration of Independence and Constitution were
drafted the gentlemen patriots sought changes from the Aristocracy of England.
The ability to circumvent the intent of civil service legislation creates a cadre
of loyal constituents that swell party coffers with donations for the
continuance of power behind the curtain. Who
said; “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”?
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Party allegiance and principles
LETTER: Party stands for principles
CHL12:18 a.m. EDT April 10, 2014

(Photo: Associated Press file )
We hear people say, “I vote for the man, not the party.” This sounds noble and might leave the speaker feeling above the general populace.
But with party allegiance, candidates pledge to follow its principles. If a candidate is trustworthy and affirms the party’s principles, and those principles are to your beliefs, the candidate should receive your vote, provided the candidate is not a lying scoundrel.
When candidates deviate from their party’s principles, they become DINOs or RINOs. It is Unfair and unethical for a politician to abandon his party’s principles only to align with feel-good positions. If I voted for a candidate who dumped the principles pledged, I would refer to the candidate as a liar.
President Barack Obama told the truth when he affirmed that he would spread the wealth. He deviated on items such as “Afghanistan is the correct war” and the Affordable Care Act “will allow you to keep your policy and doctor” and “I will balance the budget by the end of my first term.” Democrats should stand in front of him and enforce the pledges he made.
I would prefer to support candidates who pledge fiscal responsibility and free enterprise, allegiance to the founding principles, strong support of the Constitution and a government only as large as necessary to assure our freedom. A place for voter allegiance to party exists in all levels of government; local, county, state and federal.
During the last three years, Republicans worked to control property taxes in Gloucester County and Washington Township.
YOU ON 7-1-14?
YOU ON 7-1-14?
Here is what happened
on July 1st 2014:
on July 1st 2014:
Top Income Tax bracket went
from 35% to 39.6%
from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income Payroll Tax went
from 37.4% to 52.2%
from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains Tax went from
15 % to 28%
15 % to 28%
Dividend Tax went from 15% to
Estate Tax went from 0% to
These taxes were all passed
under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.
under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.
All these taxes were passed
with ONLY Democrat votes.
with ONLY Democrat votes.
NOT one Republican voted for
these taxes.
these taxes.
Remember this in November.
Non voters
We live in a country that was founded on desires for liberties. The key protection of our founding documents which enumerate the principles and tents of "These United States" (per the Decloration of Independence) is our right to vote.
The statistics of election show that few citizens vote. Presidential elections achieve a total of a few votes greater than 60 percent of registered voters. Local elections are possibly as high as forty percents.
Local elections have their first impacts on; property taxes, municipal services from police protection to trash collection, neighborhood zoning, appointments to municipal positions and boards, and interface with the County and State.
The numbers of voters that go to the polls does not mean that the people who are registered as 'un-affiliated' are the people who do not vote. Many who are registered to a Party do not vote. There are arguments that the registered voters only vote along party lines, regardless of candidate, often resulting in the unsuitable of unqualified office holder. Those who did not vote are un-informed or some times do not care because they do not know or like their party's candidate. Primary elections are important for this very reason. .If you do not like any candidates up for election vote for a write in to show your dislike, but by all that is patriotic VOTE
If you did not vote, shame on you.
The statistics of election show that few citizens vote. Presidential elections achieve a total of a few votes greater than 60 percent of registered voters. Local elections are possibly as high as forty percents.
Local elections have their first impacts on; property taxes, municipal services from police protection to trash collection, neighborhood zoning, appointments to municipal positions and boards, and interface with the County and State.
The numbers of voters that go to the polls does not mean that the people who are registered as 'un-affiliated' are the people who do not vote. Many who are registered to a Party do not vote. There are arguments that the registered voters only vote along party lines, regardless of candidate, often resulting in the unsuitable of unqualified office holder. Those who did not vote are un-informed or some times do not care because they do not know or like their party's candidate. Primary elections are important for this very reason. .If you do not like any candidates up for election vote for a write in to show your dislike, but by all that is patriotic VOTE
If you did not vote, shame on you.
You heard this before?
Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today.......Recall that Hillary did her college thesis on his writings and Obama writes about him in his books.
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.?
All eight rules are currently in play
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
If people can read this and still say everything is just fine…they are “useful idiots.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Ak Gore missed his chance :))
141 year old cold weather record falls in Jacksonville
24 degrees breaks old record of 30 set in 1873!
Author: Blake Mathews, Weather producer, meteorologist,
Published On: Nov 19 2014 12:35:41 PM EST
Updated On: Nov 20 2014 10:42:08 PM EST

According to the National Weather Service, for the second morning in a row, Jacksonville set a new cold weather record. Thursday mornings temperature dropped to a bone chilling 24 degrees breaking the old record of 30 degrees set in 1873.
If that wasn't cold enough for you, Thursday's 24 degrees also marks the second lowest temperature ever recorded in the month of November, beaten out only by the year 1970 when the mercury dropped to 21 degrees in Jacksonville in November.
Some areas around Woodbine, GA flirted with the upper teens as the temperature officially there dropped to 20 degrees.
Any thoughts that the winter of 2014-2015 wouldn't be as bone-chilling as last year's may have just been put on thin ice. And it's only November.
Tuesday morning was the coldest Nov. 19 across the United States since 1976, some 38 years, according to Dr. Ryan Maue, meteorologist with WeatherBell. The average temperature across the entire country was just 19.4°.
An astounding 226 million people in all 50 states, that includes the tropical paradise of Hawaii, were below freezing at the same time putting an exclamation point on an already paralyzing winter season -- that hasn't even officially started yet.

Even Florida didn't escape the icy grip.

The thermometer at Jacksonville International Airport plummeted down to 27° Wednesday morning breaking the old record of 28° in 2008. Thursday's record of 30° also appears to be in jeopardy; a record that dates back to 1873, or 141 years ago.
Even the snow covering the ground is amazing. Roughly 50.4 percent of the lower 48 was covered with snow -- more than double the amount normally seen for this time of year. At this exact same time last year, just a scant 12.1 percent of the country had snow on the ground. Check out the maps below from Tuesday's snow cover versus exactly one year ago.
Jeff Masters is meteorology director at the online site Weather Underground. He says the low temperatures are January-like instead of what's normal for November. He says it's 15 degrees to 35 degrees below average over a big chunk of the country, thanks to arctic air.
According to the Climate Prediction Center 1,998 cold weather records were set over the past seven days with 1,360 of those records being low max highs. That means that the temperature was the coldest day time high ever observed for that day. Seen above are the records just from Tuesday alone.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Another _______Gate
Gruber Was Key to Getting ObamaCare Passed
Grubergate: The lies are getting pretty thick these days. The president claims that he never misled anyone about ObamaCare and that Jonathan Gruber was just "some adviser." In fact, Gruber was a key player in the deception.
When Fox News' Ed Henry asked Obama on Sunday if he'd misled the American people "in order to get the bill passed," Obama's answer was "No, I did not." Space prohibits listing all the ways Obama did, in fact, mislead the public.
No one even bothers to deny that his "keep your plan" and "ObamaCare will cut premiums by $2,500" promises were premeditated efforts to deceive the public. But Obama's response to Henry's question about Gruber is just as grand a fabrication.
In his remarks, Obama tried to minimize Gruber's role in crafting the plan, saying Gruber "never worked on our staff" and that his recent comments about how lawmakers used deception to enact ObamaCare "is no reflection on the actual process that was run."
Actually, Gruber played a central role in a coordinated campaign to deceive the public — a campaign that arguably proved instrumental in getting ObamaCare enacted. To see how he did it, let's turn the clock back to Nov. 4, 2009.
At the time, the White House was in a frantic push to get ObamaCare through the Senate before the year was up. Democrats, who held 60 seats at the time, could not afford to lose a single vote against unified GOP opposition. And they were rightly worried that a January special election in Massachusetts would deny them their filibuster-proof majority if voters elected Republican Scott Brown.
That day, the White House touted a research paper that Gruber had issued, describing it as an "objective analysis" that showed how "reform will help small businesses (and) lower premiums for American families." Later that month, Nancy-Ann DeParle — director of the White House Office of Health Reform — said that another Gruber study "confirms" that the "Senate health reform bill reduces costs and improves coverage."
The press, not surprisingly, ate it all up, and Gruber became what ABC News called "a go-to voice for reporters seeking a respected academic view on health care reform." Politico's Mike Allen wrote a piece in late November headlined "MIT analysis backs Obama," which said that Gruber's research "provides new ammunition for Democrats as the Senate begins formally debating (ObamaCare)."
But what neither the White House nor Gruber told the public was that Gruber was actually a highly paid consultant working with Obama to construct the very law that his "objective" analyses were extolling.
In fact, the existence of Gruber's fat $400,000 contract didn't emerge until after the Senate passed ObamaCare — when a blogger for the left-wing website Daily Kos posted a link in early January 2010 complaining about Gruber's "sole source" contract for "technical assistance in evaluating options for national healthcare reform." The contract claimed that Gruber was the "only one responsible source" available for such help.
When that news came out, the press — which could have easily ferreted out Gruber's contract long before — issued a few mea culpas for not disclosing his glaring conflict of interest, and then let the matter drop. But it was too late to make any difference, anyway. The Senate had passed ObamaCare in late December, and the House later approved the exact same bill, which Obama signed into law in March 2010.
In other words, had the Gruber/White House disinformation campaign not been so effective, and had the Senate bill not passed, there probably would be no ObamaCare today.
When Fox News' Ed Henry asked Obama on Sunday if he'd misled the American people "in order to get the bill passed," Obama's answer was "No, I did not." Space prohibits listing all the ways Obama did, in fact, mislead the public.
No one even bothers to deny that his "keep your plan" and "ObamaCare will cut premiums by $2,500" promises were premeditated efforts to deceive the public. But Obama's response to Henry's question about Gruber is just as grand a fabrication.
In his remarks, Obama tried to minimize Gruber's role in crafting the plan, saying Gruber "never worked on our staff" and that his recent comments about how lawmakers used deception to enact ObamaCare "is no reflection on the actual process that was run."
Actually, Gruber played a central role in a coordinated campaign to deceive the public — a campaign that arguably proved instrumental in getting ObamaCare enacted. To see how he did it, let's turn the clock back to Nov. 4, 2009.
At the time, the White House was in a frantic push to get ObamaCare through the Senate before the year was up. Democrats, who held 60 seats at the time, could not afford to lose a single vote against unified GOP opposition. And they were rightly worried that a January special election in Massachusetts would deny them their filibuster-proof majority if voters elected Republican Scott Brown.
That day, the White House touted a research paper that Gruber had issued, describing it as an "objective analysis" that showed how "reform will help small businesses (and) lower premiums for American families." Later that month, Nancy-Ann DeParle — director of the White House Office of Health Reform — said that another Gruber study "confirms" that the "Senate health reform bill reduces costs and improves coverage."
The press, not surprisingly, ate it all up, and Gruber became what ABC News called "a go-to voice for reporters seeking a respected academic view on health care reform." Politico's Mike Allen wrote a piece in late November headlined "MIT analysis backs Obama," which said that Gruber's research "provides new ammunition for Democrats as the Senate begins formally debating (ObamaCare)."
But what neither the White House nor Gruber told the public was that Gruber was actually a highly paid consultant working with Obama to construct the very law that his "objective" analyses were extolling.
In fact, the existence of Gruber's fat $400,000 contract didn't emerge until after the Senate passed ObamaCare — when a blogger for the left-wing website Daily Kos posted a link in early January 2010 complaining about Gruber's "sole source" contract for "technical assistance in evaluating options for national healthcare reform." The contract claimed that Gruber was the "only one responsible source" available for such help.
When that news came out, the press — which could have easily ferreted out Gruber's contract long before — issued a few mea culpas for not disclosing his glaring conflict of interest, and then let the matter drop. But it was too late to make any difference, anyway. The Senate had passed ObamaCare in late December, and the House later approved the exact same bill, which Obama signed into law in March 2010.
In other words, had the Gruber/White House disinformation campaign not been so effective, and had the Senate bill not passed, there probably would be no ObamaCare today.
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Another IRS Concern Reported
Written by Damon Geller

Mr. Al Gore Where are you?
Record Breaking Cold Blankets United States -- Coldest November Morning Since 1976
Dr. Ryan Maue -- WeatherBELL November 18, 2014
Tuesday morning, America 'as a whole' awoke to the coldest it has been in November since 1976 -- 38 years ago. The Lower-48 or CONUS spatially average temperature plummeted overnight to only 19.4°F typical of mid-winter not November 18th! DataAn astounding 226-million Americans will experience at or below freezing temperatures (32°F) on Tuesday as well -- if you venture outdoors.
More than 85% of the surface area of the Lower-48 reached or fell below freezing Tuesday morning. All 50-states saw at or below freezing temperatures on Tuesday.
Record lows from Idaho to Nebraska and Iowa south to Texas and east through the Great Lakes, the eastern 2/3 of the US will shatter decades-long and in some cases, century-long records. Temperatures east of the Rockies will be 20-40°F below climate normals.
Compared to normal, temperatures over the past several days have dropped off a cliff -- to 10°C below climate normal -- more anomalous than even during the #polarvortex of early January. Anomaly Chart . November is shaping up to be a colder-than-normal month by a lot.
Brisk northwesterly winds in the Great Lakes will cause heavy lake effect snow which will be measured in feet from Michigan to New York state. Monday, almost half of the Lower-48 was blanketed in snow. Please visit Mashable and Washington Post Capital Weather Gang for daily updates.
Cold air pushes east thru Wednesday with a reinforcing shot of Arctic air with origin from the North Pole & Siberia to arrive on Thursday in the Great Lakes. Any relief is is 5-6 days away as Chicago, Minneapolis, and Detroit will struggle to rise above freezing until Saturday.
Let my Weather Maps tell the story:

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Here we are facing another calendar
year. Each year municipal budgets are prepared. We will hear politicians tell
us that we have kept the average tax increase very low. The result could be
each year they will repeat the good news.
1st year, 2nd year, 3rd
year, 4th year, 5th year
advertised percentages increase might be one percent per year, we wish.
1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
citizens are told the average increase is a small amount, maybe $20.00. If this
happens each year:
$20, plus $20 =$40, plus $20 =%60, plus $20=$80, plus $20 =$100.
cumulative effect after each year’s increases are what we have paid as a result
of the increases;
$60 $100 $160 $240
the end of the first year the increases will have been $20.
the end of the second year the increases will have been $40+$20 from the
previous year. The march will go on so that after five years the total paid
over the five years will be $240. Will your wages increase cumulatively of once
each three or four years?
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