Friday, July 24, 2015

They are and have taken over

Bureaucracies have become the United States’ ruling class. Obama, dwelling in our white house, instructed agencies to collect statistics regarding the ethnic, racial and financial make up of municipalities and neighborhoods. Upon the results of the data gathered, various departments will manipulate funds to the areas based on the fit of the make-up according to his feelings. Based upon the findings, neighborhood schools will be funded, or de-funded. Health and welfare funds can be impacted. Housing and urban welfare could be manipulated. Regardless of ethnicity, residents who strive to live in up-scale, areas will be impacted by lower property values and underfunded schools.
Obama’s immigration policy is proposed elimination of an emigres swearing allegiance to the United States. Naturalized citizens were schooled to learn the Pledge of Allegiance. As they grew older it became meaningful. The old fashioned need to learn English is being disregarded. Our Declaration of Independence voiced the beliefs of our forefathers. The Constitution’s first ten Amendments, the Bill of Rights, will be irrelevant nor pertinent to our national principles. If a new citizen is not required to pledge allegiance to our nation, why become a citizen. Our government’s handouts to undocumented aliens who come here and proselytize for a different form of government will increase. Instead of; Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, we will have; dwelling, do as you please, and take what pleases you. There are 540 plus days until the next inauguration.

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