Saturday, October 7, 2017

Republicans , are the a Hope

As the newly elected Chairman of the Township of Washington Republican Organization I am looking for conservatives to join us at our meetings. 
We meet with the Republican Club of Washington Township on the third Wednesday of each month.  We need the support and interest of all conservative minded people. 

In the Township of Washington, of Gloucester County, NJ we have seen what many believe to be the control by the un-elected. The resolution by Town Council to limit open public speakers to five minutes can sometimes be challenging, but is understandable otherwise there would be meeting filibusters until midnight. What seems to be thoroughly distasteful is that questions are held for Council’s or Mayor's responses until all speakers have been heard. The origin of this practice, which did not exist in previous years, is felt to be the idea of the un-elected Township’s Solicitor who introduced himself as the meetings parliamentarian.

Regardless if you have a concern you may need to wait for your answer until one or twenty speakers pose their questions, criticism or concerns. You could be forced to wait for a long time and the answer or response might not address your concern.  Writing on behalf of many Township residents the Council's practice of pigeon holing questions or responses is not responsive non conversational toward the point or subject being made by speaking concerned citizens. After waiting through a number of questions the speaker could have a concern the topic was not properly, or possibly not addressed to the speaker’s intent.  

Please join your fellow conservatives and make your voices heard. Join our organization. See

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