Wednesday, January 9, 2019

When will News print POlitical donations?????

People are deserting ‘Taxed Jersey’. What are the citizens, who cannot afford to FLEE, going to do? Connected political favors are the diseases imposed on tax payers. The affliction comes to residents from the cadre of department heads, former politicians, and former office holders and donors. We need changes to the structure and make up of governments.
 We have a Governor who received election campaign donations from across the Hudson and Delaware and Potomac. A woman in New York City donated $4,300. Why? What influences were bought and for whom?
Look at the remnants of Christie’s accommodations to the power structure in our state. Republican in title but he appointed a judge from the South Jersey Democrat ranks. Was that a move to get along with his opposition?
Why, in Washington Township, are executives and consultants from outside the township?
Behind the scenes influenced politicians and office holders exist at all levels. Answer the questions of how we survive or function under a deep state as it exists from State, to Counties, and Townships. Good government happens when people, tax payers, citizens, reject the politics of influence. If office holders aren’t influenced behind the scenes, maybe the things done will require less taxes and spending.
 2019? State Legislature is coming up for election in 2019. Why did a consultant donate $1,000 in September of 2018 to a candidate that might run for State Assembly in 2019? Candidates are wooed before a campaign has started. Interested voters must read the files of NJ ELECT. Maybe the files should be printed by newspapers.
Gerald Keer

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