Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Nancy Pelosi and her workers have continued their insults to the Republican President. What is truly happening is in their arrogance they have told America that they do not care about border law and order. By their recent stubborn stance against funding the border security barrier / wall / fence, they have said they do not care about the runaway crossings. Their stance of technology and guards is to say that ports of entry are not needed. When they spot crossings from afar it requires the border agents to confront the border violators. Sooner or later there will be a confrontation that will lead to violence.
If the wall is implemented there is a focal point of application to cross. Just go to your bank and ignore the line and note the major counter that directs and controls your approach.
The Democrat House and Senate are telling you they do not want law and order. They are telling you the American Citizens that they are willing to continue the $18,000,000,000.00 spending for health care and welfare of people who came without employment nor sponsor. All of this spending while there are legal citizens having difficult lives.

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