Friday, March 1, 2019


Socialism: How can or will it get here? We have freedom of speech which includes the ability to donate to a candidate’s campaign. Sources such as George Serous through his ‘charitable fund’ can donate large sums to liberal and socialist candidates. It has been reported that he donated $1.45 million to Larry Krasner, the District Attorney Race in Philadelphia. Krasner has been criticized for lenient law administration. Here is a prime example of how elections are overly influenced from outside. On the other side there are donors such as the Koch Brothers who donate to Republican Party, However they do have a feud with our president because they feel he is a ‘trade protectionist’.

Regardless, over the past years Russian Collusion has been the bugaboo. After two years of mudslinging the press and electronic media have built their case that the United States elections have been influenced by exterior forces. The ability to change voting chines or ballot boxes is scant. Election FRAUD comes from dishonest party workers providing votes and voting capabilities for; illegal voters, aliens, the dead, the twice or more voters, fakers voting in multiple districts, etc. Along with the witch hunt for collusion and interference in our election potential candidates are proposing health care for all in the form of medicare. Noy only will this increase the cost, it will destroy the insurance companies and throw their employees on the unemployment lines.

The United States citizens, us, we are the protection against the above. Voters must learn to ignore the donors, their financing of anti-American slogans, avoid the workers spreading lying opinions at their doors, telephones, televisions. Remember every advertisement must identify whom the advertisement was paid for. Our freedom and our future is in the hands of informed voters that research candidates and their funding sources. We heard Pelosi; “We must pass it to find out what is in it”. We found that we could not always keep our insurance or doctors. The cost was more. Now we are hearing a government health care for all. Watch that $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

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