Monday, April 22, 2019


Bombshell: Deep State Spy Who Set Up Papadopoulos Located

(Tea Party PAC) – If you’ve been paying attention and connecting the dots, you’ve likely noticed a pattern among the contacts that the Trump campaign had ahead of the 2016 election that they used to build a case for supposed “collusion.”
In many cases, member sof the Trump campaign were explicitly courted by Russian or otherwise suspicious operatives.
Almost like it was a set up.
Joseph Mifsud (pictured above) is one of these figures, who tried to hook George Papadopoulos into some very questionable contacts, and was subsequently used to link Papadopoulos to Russia.
After being interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, however, Mifsud mysteriously vanished.
Throughout this entire saga, no one has know where he went.
But this week, he was finally located, in Rome, next to the American embassy.
It is time we find out who he was working for. This information would be vital in finally taking down the Deep State machine that tried to frame Trump in the first place.
In February, Papadopoulos, the unpaid Trump campaign volunteer who seems to have been framed by Mifsud, was indicted by the Mueller team for lying. We have not been told what precisely he lied about, and this is why it is vital to find out how he got hooked into this whole mess.

(Above: Joseph Papadopoulos)
We also need to figure out what role the FBI might have played in framing this minor figure in the Trump campaign.
Former Secret Agent, Fox News contributor, and Author of “Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump” Dan Bongino chronicles in his book exactly what happened to Papadopoulos.
While interviewing Papadopoulos, Bongino asked him:” I want to get right to it. I have a list of questions for you..I guess the easiest question to ask is why did you meet with Mifsud?”
“Professor Mifsud is a Maltese professor. Just so everybody understands – he’s not a Russian,” Papadopoulos replied.
He went on to explain that he was working at a London policy organization that he was not aware that was a front for some nefarious activities.
“I was working at this organization in London – the London Center for International Law Practice (LCILP) – that unbeknownst to me at the time was apparently some sort of front group for ex-western diplomats and ex-western intelligence types of personalities,” he explained.
“As well, the legal counsel for the FBI in the UK, Arvinder Sambei, just happens to also be a director at this organization I used to work for. I tell this organization ‘Look, I’m joining the Trump Campaign, I’m leaving. I’m going back to the U.S. I’m leaving London,” he continued.
This was when he seems to have gotten hooked into what would eventually appear to be a total set-up.
“But they all of a sudden tell me, ‘before you leave, you really need to come to Rome with us. We want to introduce you to some people there.’ So, I say, ‘that’s fine. I’ll go to Rome. It’s a three-day holiday before I get back to Washington,” he said.
This is where Mifsud comes in, at yet another suspicious organization.
“They introduce me to Josef Mifsud at this university in Rome called Link Campus. This isn’t any normal university in Rome,” Papadopoulos explained.
“At the time I had no idea what this place was. But apparently, it’s a training ground for western intelligence operatives in Rome. The CIA has held symposiums there. David Ignatius from the Washington Post has actually written extensively about this place. They have connections to the FBI and other groups.”
This is when Papadopoulos began to suspect he had been brought to Rome for a very specific reason.
“I also saw many Italian diplomats there,” he explained. “The ex-foreign minister of Italy was the director of this university, so things started to pop in my mind that this isn’t just a random event – a random meeting.”
Not random at all: he was being set up to meet with Mifsud.
“They tell me it’s very important for you to meet Josef Mifsud,” Papadopoulos explained. “I had no idea who this person was. He came up to me, presented himself as this mid-fifties, former diplomat, who knew the world.”
Papadopoulos would appear to be a perfect link for the mainstream media, the FBI, and the DOJ to exploit to connect Trump to the Russians, and this is what the Mueller team attempted to do.
There’s only one problem: Mifsud isn’t even Russian. He’s Maltese.
The entire London connection was a set-up.
Not only that, but the Mueller team itself had their own connections to Mifsud. This is highly suspicious indeed.
According to one investigative website, one of the members of Mueller’s team is linked to Mifsud: Zainab Ahmad.
“Zainab Ahmad, a member of Mueller’s legal team, is the former Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of New York,” Disobedient Media reveals.
“As pointed out by Blackburn, Ahmad attended a Global Center on Cooperative Security [GCCS] event in 2017,” they continue.
“In recent days, Blackburn wrote via Twitter: ‘Zainab Ahmad is a major player in the Russiagate scandal at the DOJ. Does she work for SC Mueller? She was at a GCCS event in May 2017. Arvinder Sambei, a co-director of the [London Centre of International Law Practice], worked with Joseph Mifsud, [George Papadopoulos] and [Simona Mangiante]. She’s a GCCS consultant.’”

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