Thursday, September 15, 2022

Ahhh Progress!

                                                                                                                             November 08, 2019 

Some voters were told;” you already voted”. Ah, yes, fill out the provisional ballot.?

How do we know when that provooshnal balloon gets to the counting table, did the already voted get uncounted?  Hmmm?


January 21, 2021

 Better yet, you and your spouse are in your eighties and apply numerous times for vaccination, and it never gets a schedule, but accomplishment comes from a friend of a friend who has influence beyond your application. Why did the State of NJ NEVER answer your application.



The methods of identification and privacy loss are extreme. 

Progress? Or scars? Our Government (Federal, State, County, Local) is / are taking advantage of technology while the questions are; is it saving them money?

Is it costing us money and freedom?

Why can I not do some things without going on the internet or smart phone. When the IRS has 80.000 plus new agents will they check our  credit card bills for your spending or donations (political / charity)

If we must, then computers and phones should be tax deductible.


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