Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Keeping things simple.

There are some who thin the following is off the wall - too radical.

Let us keep it simple. The government needs to resolve our problems. There is a shortage of funds and the debt is astronomical. Obama wants to be friendly to the terrorists. Obama wants all the illegal aliens to be legal. You can add to the list.
Why doesn’t the government seize all retirement moneys and put them into the Social Security, health care, education, transportation, housing, and food stamps. This will provide a solution to the national debt. We could all become government employees. The borders could be opened and anyone desiring to live in the United States would be welcomed here.
For this to take place we simply need to allow Barrack Obama run in the 2016 elections. Allow Barack Obama to run for president as long as he wishes. We could do away with or outlaw the Republican Party and abolish the Senate and the House of Representatives. Local police forces could be replaced by the Army, and the Marines. This would save billions in cost because soldiers are paid less than police. Does this sound radical?  Not really. Churches could be taxed to help pay for the above. This might sound radical but look at the failed countries or governments of the world. For any of the above to be greased vote Democrat, or for the RINO’s.  FOR HEAVENS AND YOUR SAKE MAKE YOU VOICES HEARD EVERY WHERE!

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