Monday, August 10, 2015


It is Monday morning and the South Jersey Times published an editorial written by E. J, Dionne Jr., of the Washington Post; “Obama vs. Cavaliers of Unilateralism”. The main thrust is the Republicans (with their Conservative allies) are not being Bi-Partisan. Obama, is written to be following the bipartisan tradition of negotiating with enemies. He is doing this by talking nice with Putin, and the latest Ayatollah. As an example of bipartisan efforts Dionne Jr. criticizes George W. Bush for not achieving United Nations agreement and support prior to entering Iraq. Dionne’s charge is made while he ignores our coalition of nations and Congressional agreement prior to entering Iraq. How often has the United Nations agreed with the U. S.? By going back thirteen years Dionne missed his chance to fault America for dropping the A-bombs seventy years ago, because there was not bipartisan agreement. The use, which the US certainly was justified in sadly it did not exist before D-Day. Yes that is a stretch but no more than Obama practicing bipartisanship. He also criticizes Republican Candidates for considering the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, or dis-approving the Iran Nuclear Agreement. A deal that has major flaws.
Look at the Affordable Care Act and the non-bipartisan writing and enactment. Bi-partisanship requires agreement that something should be done then finding a method that sides of diverse opinions can agree upon methods. Obama is childish enough when his ideas are not bipartisan, he attempts Executive Fiats. With all of Mr. Dionne’s Education credentials there is a wonder a bipartisan opinion could not have been penned. Wake up E. J. our lame duck don’t know how to fly across the lake of ideas.

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