Sunday, December 24, 2017

Deep Swamp

The opening banner of this site contains words of caution.
" OUR COUNTRY IS TOO PRECIOUS TO LEAVE IT TO THE BUREAUCRATS and RINO's.and Talking Heads. Too precious for some republicans who are ignoring the election. In a "Republic" no laws can be passed if they conflict with the Constitution which some politicians ignore!"
The Department of Justice is now suspect per the above. We saw the IRS's war against 501C3 applications. You can make your list of suspects. Some decades back it was the law that News Media were required to be bi-partisan. That law was found to be unconstitutional.

The monies donated to place the deep swamp denizens in office are a key to whom we should suspect.
You are urged to find you State and Federal web sites that publish the donation amounts to candidates for office. 
In NJ go to NJ ELECT or:
 For federal go to:

Your State should publish information of donors as well as candidates for all elected or to be elected offices.

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