Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tea Party, not Occupy Wall Street, has it correct

‘Occupy Wall Street’ went after business so the poor would be helped. ‘Occupy’ claimed CEO’s lined their pockets with the money of the people. They missed the organizations that line their pockets and pass along all of their operating costs. Governments, federal, state and local agencies collect taxes, and then pass some of the tax funds to the poor, leaving them remain poor. Taxes and fees are based upon our income, or personal property values. Governments establish departments and services designed to collect, spend, and print money.

Other than public safety we do not need restrictions on our purchases. Our government’s health insurance program is costing millions to implement and advertise. The Internal Revenue Service, in charge of enforcing the health care law, is supposed to provide a fair and graduated source of funds for the Government. When government wants to do a good deed they dream up another tax credit that becomes a loop hole.

Politicians claim they create jobs, while they pass taxes. Government claimed improvement in the percentage of unemployed. Their Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 91,521,000 people not in the work force as of November 2013, as compared to 89,221,000 in November 2012. Where did the 2,300,000 workers go? Who needs to be told they are unemployed? Watch government TV adds tell us to sign up for Obama Care.

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