Friday, February 9, 2018

The partial Rebellion against the last three Presidents

Thomas Jefferson is credited with pointing to the fact that a rebellion is occasionally needed in the political world, just like it happens in the physical world. The 2016 Election was a sample of the revolution against the previous twenty-four years.
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama cited the need to control the amounts of illegal immigrants coming to our United States. They cited the costs of the many illegals. Because the previous Presidents sowed the seeds of the current out of control immigration. Today’s rebellion is being fought in Congress and the White House. The battle is being waged against our current President and his desire for a regulated immigration policy. The current open doors provide no control over who is coming here. Some politicians claim Trump’s plan is racist. Some feel the costs borne by the States and Federal funds are too high. Are they Racist or Cheap?
When you were born to citizen parents, you were a new citizen and became a small deduction to your parent’s income tax. Your parents did not receive welfare to provide you with housing, food, and eventual education. Immigrants in the past were required to have a sponsor and employments. If you were a child of naturalized citizen you most likely learned English and the rule of our nation. Am I, my life, or the lives of naturalized citizens, who appreciate our Constitution and laws, racist, rebels, or xenophobic?
Gerald Keer

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