Thursday, February 1, 2018


Much has been said concerning President Trump’s State of the Union Speech. His words cited as insulting or improper. Very improper were the people who purposely avoided applause. Applause is not necessarily a compliment but an agreement of a point. It is not necessary to applaud every point because our Constitution’s First Amendment gives us the right to our opinions and the expression thereof.
The prime offense at the SOTUS show was the New Jersey Senators sitting with determined faces of total non-agreement. The non-agreement was sorry to see after President Trump cited the horror born by the parents of daughter murdered by non-citizens, MS13 gang members. The two Senators represent a state who’s newly elected governor is openly professing sanctuary status for non-citizens. I am not confusing criminals with illegals but non-citizens brought to court should be referred to Immigration Law Enforcement offices because they are now identified as possibly guilty law breakers. The members were registered students in the School; How?
California, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey wake up and stop electing candidates who do not support law enforcement.

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