Sunday, December 30, 2018

Do not lose sight of GHW Bush's failure

Looking at 2018 leaves the impression that must be rewritten. The talking heads, the Democrat in-crowd, and the never Trump Republicans ,told us only one side of George HW Bush. Yes, they told us how he many times served our country. During the Second World War he flew his fighter plane against an enemy that at the start had the better airplanes. What they did not tell was his allegiance to the Swamp Dwellers. Prior to becoming President Bush (senior) spent many year in the Washington government organizations. He learned how to get along to get along. Make deals regardless of the full package; cross the aisle.

As Vice President he aligned himself with the denizens that crafted the NAFTA Treaty for Clinton’s only too happy signature. Bush Started his term in office by throwing out the Reagan team on the first day of Bush’s term. Small wonder the D’s had so many nice things to eulogize Poppa Bush. Bush selected the advisor and Budget Director, Richard G. Darman. Darman, was the whisper behind the violation of the “No new Taxes Pledge”.

Bush allowed Perot to be the wedge that played to the conservatives and lead to the arrival of Slick Willie Clinton. NAFTA is gone now Thank you Mr. Trump.

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