Saturday, December 15, 2018

Re write of Constitution - No Way

Depending on the news cycle we heard of the need for a Constitution Convention. Before we bow to that idea we must consider the risk. Our Constitution has endured, and survived for two hundred forty years, or about two hundred thirty five year since the ten amendment Bill of Rights was added. Before such a drastic step of rewriting is taken, think about the Constitution which has no provision for Political Parties. There have been Democrats, Democrat Republicans, Republicans, Communist, and Tax-Revolt; close to twenty if you wish to count. Looking at the current register of minds in our Nation almost every one of our Citizens, (Professors, Theologians, Philosophers, and or Politicians) have been tainted, corrupted, by liberal and philosophical ideas.
Before attempting we need two generations of purified minds untouched by the current political philosophies. Which person, or assembly should be allowed into a convention? Politicians are never mentioned in the Constitution, and should be excluded. Entities must be restricted wisely. Current news media and college professors have become the King’s court feared in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Keep; “the United States of America … one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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