Saturday, November 9, 2013

Feds to Ban Margarine, Icing, Frozen Pizza, in the Name of Health

The people who brought you the low-flow shower and the no-flush toilet, who banned the 60 Watt lightbulb, and who made your health-insurance illegal and put your doctor out of business?  Well, they care about you. You know, like the Child-Catcher in Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang cared about children. They care so much, the FDA is going to ban margarine and a host of food products with hydrogenated oils in the next 60 days: The FDA declares that partially hydrogenated oils are not "generally recognized as safe."

The government proposed new rules Thursday that would all but ban trans fats, a move that will force makers of margarine, frozen pizza and other processed foods to reformulate their products.

Under the new rules, the Food and Drug Administration has declared that partially hydrogenated oils, the source of trans fats, are a food additive no longer "generally recognized as safe."

That would require companies wishing to use the ingredient to first seek approval from the FDA, which is unlikely to grant more at the (caution) LA Times.

This rule is subject to a 60-day comment period. Contact your congressmen, or the FDA at the FDA website, and tell them to get out of your grocery, kitchen, and checkbook.

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