Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Reince Priebus is upset with Donald Trump because he is not endorsing McCain or Ryan and who knows whom else,
Let us look at the endorsements they gave.
Oh wait, Ryan is the guy who left Biden play him for a fool.
Ryan and McCain have sided with Obama's immigration policies. In 2005, Senators John McCain & Ted Kennedy proposed a guest-worker program & a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants. Both sides torpedoed the bill. In fact, Ryan has a two decade long history of pushing open borders immigration policies—dating back to his days as a Capitol Hill staffer when he worked to derail the bipartisan immigration curbs inspired by Civil Rights leader and late-Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

Speaker Ryan, a descendant of Irish immigrants, discussed immigration in a more positive tone than his party’s presidential candidates, saying immigration is a “beautiful story that needs to continue in this country.” Unlike the majority of Republicans, who use the dehumanizing term “illegal immigrants,” Ryan opted for the phrase “undocumented immigrants.” He disagreed with both Trump and Cruz.

The US had laws requiring sponsor ships and methods to allow immigration. The current white House resident will not enforce laws though he took an oath to uphold our Constitution. When is a law outside of the constitution?

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