Friday, October 18, 2013

Defund Something!!!!!!

October 16, 2013 the President signed the latest can kicking bill to prevent a purported problem with the ability to pay our country’s debts. We have a new fictitious national monetary deadline. According to our Constitution, budgeting is to be originated in the House of Representatives, negotiated with the Senate and signed by the President. There has not been a Budget since the Democrats took over the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives for the years of 2009 and 2010. There has not been a Federal Budget agreed and signed off because the Congress and the President want to spend beyond any reasonable measure of national wealth.

The US Treasury is taking out never ending mortgages by their sale of bonds. The Government prints dollars based upon borrowed funds, and the unelected Federal Reserve buys back their loans with worthless dollars. This is a criminal ‘Ponzi Scheme’ at the federal level. According to opinion polls the public is looking to blame someone. There are four parties to blame. The parties are; the president, the congress, the voting public, and the reporting pundits. We are to blame, because we have not run the spenders out of office. The place to start is our New Jersey politicians regardless of political party. It is not the Affordable Care Act that should be de-funded; it is our President and Congress, who are exempt from Obama Care.

Gerald Keer

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