Sunday, October 20, 2013

Telling Mr. Bastrimovich like it is, Tea Party keeps eye on ball.

To the Editor:
In response to Joseph Bastrimovich’s letter, “GOP worry over debt very selective,” on Oct. 17:
The assertion that what later became the tea party movement was not engaged over the federal debt when President George W. Bush was in office is incorrect.
Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in the 2006 election because fiscally conservative Republicans stayed home in protest over the Bush administration spending. I doubt that the tea party and the Republicans would be any less critical if the current president happened to have an “R” after his name.
This is not about Barack Obama or his race. This is about an administration that is out of control.
The Democrats are always wringing their hands about families, children and minorities. Let me shed some light on what this administration has done to families, children and minorities:
Three quarters of the new jobs created this year are part time. Eight million people are out of work. Poverty rates are higher now than in 1965 when the “War on Poverty” started, and 42 million people are on food stamps. Electricity costs are rising faster than the overall rate of inflation and health insurance costs have increased over the last four years.
We now have more than 1 million public school students who are homeless for the first time in our history. Our college graduates now owe about $1 trillion. PBS’ Tavis Smiley has stated that African-Americans have lost ground in every leading economic indicator under the Obama administration.
Under this administration, the debt for every single household is $50,521. Are you prepared to pay your share?
Does this really look like a record that is praiseworthy?

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